Star Wars is shite!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. you missed Logan's Run...that shitty TV series with Michael York..i remember thinking it was shit even when i was 6.

    Soylent Green was a great concept, but poorly realised...well, it had Charlton Heston in it for a start...Even the rubber masks in Planet of the Apes were more convincing than he was.
  2. for all you nuggets out there i'll tell you whats worth watching and im not even joking...

    the star wars cartoons on cartoon network...

    seriously they pi$$ all over the later they fill in all of the details between the why Count Dooku is coughing in the movie blah blah..and good animation..i watched them with one of my brothers kids when he was younger...then I used to beat him smartly about the head with a light sabre when re enacting the battles in the back garden....head shots were contraversial, but no quarter was given nor expected when making a 'balestra' for your opponents ball sack....gotta teach em aint a dress rehearsal.
    Little shit turned 12 the other day....he'll be a six footer so i'll have to make the most of my bullying while i still can.
  3. yip, my kids watch the cloan wars, very good.
  4. ok shit ones ...........zardoz with sean connery lol
  5. blake7 the best then, shite now.
  6. Is Blake 7 back on again now?

    I asked Jenna ( Sally James)out in 1978, but was tactfully declined:redface:

    She was gorgeous then.
  7. yeah, sally james stretched my pants a bit when i was 6, but she couldnt hold a candle to Colonel Deering...(and they called fkn Wilma ffs)....

    Re Blake 7...i remember as a kid that even looked shit....and i recall gales of laughter peeling out across the house when the spaceship wobbled across the screen with a fuzzy was my dad who first noticed that the rear of the 'craft' was actually an airwick airfreshener.
  8. no, seen a clip recently. tactfully declined?
  9. seen it when you where 6, mate your older than me that cant be right.
  10. Time for more gratuitous Barbarella pics....cwwwooorrr

  11. yeah...if were going retro babes Jane Fondle was killer in Barbarella...never mind Raquel in 80 squillion years to the centre of mars or whatever it was called....i imagine that poster set off a global shockwave of RSI.
    she was a beauty alright...pre photoshop too.

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  12. "i imagine that poster set off a global shockwave of RSI."

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  13. Forbidden Planet from 1956 had me on the edge of the chair.
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  14. Remember a series: 'Space - Above and Beyond' i think it was called. Seem to remember it was rather quite good. Could just be me though!
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  15. I remember 'SPACE....1999' when I was little boy...

    I used to think that 1999 is so so far away it will never come..
    well crikey its been and gone a long long time ago.
    sad thing is life seems like an accelerating clock.
    as time passes - it speeds up !
  16. I remember that one, Biot.

    At the time, I thought it was incredibly good. It was proper, grown-up SF, without the campness of Star Trek or the childishness of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century or the indescribable awfulness of the original Battlestar Galactica,, etc; ie the only things we had watched up until then.

    I revisited Space: Above & Beyond recently (the missus and I called it Space: The Back of Beyond back in the day) - it hadn't aged at all well :smile:
  17. Loz at least more than one person watched it then? The recent(ish) series of Battlestar Galactica had some good episodes. Lost the plot towards the end though. 'Toasters' were good :upyeah:
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