I'm amazed at how much stuff I have sold recently on eBay.Lots of motorcycle leathers that Mrs Mervyn didn't want as she decided pillion riding was not for her.This then set me on the path of selling loads of stuff that hadn't been or was never going to be used again.I am amazed what people will buy-I look at stuff now, that in the past I would just throw away,in a different light.Take some photos,stick it on eBay for a sensible/bargain price,and off it goes. Added bonus is that having created more space I have been told by Mrs Mervyn that "there must be space in the garage now for another motorbike.
I have been doing the same ... But for finances . Oh and space ... I finally got £100 in Paypal went to withdraw it to put toward my bike being lowered and EBay took £50 off me in listing fees .. And now they take as well as listing and final valuation fees 10% of your postage !!!!! That's low !postage costs £3 they take 30poff you for what?? Your p&p is a cost .. So how they can justify taking that off you is beyond me ! So when I sell for 99p ( why bother ) They take inc paypal half of my money 10p for final valuation. 30p for postage Then paypal fee! I get 50p in the £1 now from then I was livid when went to get my £100 and what with fees for unsold items , and this new charge for you posting I was left with £30! So eBay got £70 and I got £30 !!! People are now leaving eBay fast .
There are two sides to selling loads of stuff on ebay. If you're doing it because you need the money, you'll get stung with the fees, postage and all the other associated shite. You may get £500 landing in your paypal account, but you'd have spent a decent percentage of that to get there. But, if you are selling stuff just to clear space and get rid of stuff then ebay is great, whatever money you make is a bonus. Much better than a car boot sale
Both the above comments are very true-tis expensive to get rid of stuff by eBay.I just like the convenience of disposing of stuff which I've had kicking around in the shed/garage/loft for years.Most of it kept for the old reason-it will come in handy one day.Funny that one day never seems to come,except the day after you have got shot of something. I have been such a hoarder over the years that I find the experience of disposing of things quite uplifting.Mrs Mervyn is over the moon with the clutter clearance.Good thing she hasn't spotted my stash of very useful/valuable/collectable old Brit bike bits that I have amassed ready for that super duper cafe racer rebuild that is imminent!!!!
ebay is a fkn rip off....sell and get ripped off by ridiculous listing fees and scamming buyers....i loathe the site. typically i use ebay as a shop window because its easier to browse than amazon. i either contact the seller to buy away from ebay or buy from their website/online shop. I hate the company and its appalling customer service and draconian attitude towards customers and i never leave feedback in the faint hope that if enough of us stop leaving feedback then the system will collapse and they'll have to have a rethink...its probably why i also dont vote. PS: Gumtree is owned by ebay.
Dont know the ins and outs of what they charge but I just sold one item for £330 + £10 postage and i was charged 10% .
It's a bloody good way of advertising world-wide on the cheap,and if you can do a deal off ebay so much the better I pay plenty in listing fees and stuff,can't say I'm ecstatic about it but when you compare it to advertising in AutoTrader it's not so bad. Lets face it,if ebay didn't exist we'd never shift half the stuff we do... Gumtrees ok but you have to pay if you want your stuff to stay at the top of the page,or keep renewing your ad.Loads of scammers on there too Preloved is too much trouble Craigslist is amateurish rubbish Loot was good and free online but no-one goes there anymore. Swapz is full of chavs who think the worlds waiting for their shagged out Scooby project... Ebay's not all bad,Imo