New SF edition GP

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by Char, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Sooo an 848 SF with some extras and DTC??
  2. All 848's have TC
  3. maybe not a worldwide offer though?

    although I may be able to find 100,000 RM behind the sofa and possibly throw in a curley wurely to make up the difference.
  4. Whats the GP stand for?

    Girlie Performance?
  5. I never knew that! I thought only the S had it. Seems I have the poverty spec version haha
  6. Well it is yellow....
  7. I see the 1098 version has been dropped from the range now.
  8. Yellow is the fastest colour, how many times do I have to say this!!!!!!:wink:
  9. Makes it a more awesome rare bike :biggrin:
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  10. I knid of like that.

    I weirdly want to tell everyone how good it is, but keep it a secret at the same time. :tongue:
  11. Looks very nice! wonder why they stopped making the 1098s ? strange especially when BMW are releasing a street fighter version of the 1000rr
  12. Because the SF didn't sell well. Monster 1200 has replaced it financially
  13. Yup that would explain it however I think the 1098 is still the best bet especially since BMW are doing a street fighter for 2014 and the Duc gets great reviews perhaps there might have got it wrong looking forward to getting on mine
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