Trackday circuit recommendations

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Tel, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. After several years of doing track days at Silverstone and Donnington I thought it was about time we experienced different UK circuits for 2014.

    Can anyone recommend any good circuits worth trying?
  2. Oulton and Cadwell are definitely worth the trip, I've not been there but Knockhill is supposed to be great fun and they do weekend double headers too
  3. Cadwell for me. Like country roads without tractors and oncoming traffic.
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  4. Depends on what bike you track. IMO tracks like Silverstone and Donnington suit the bigger capacity bikes that have the legs but Brands Indie and Mallory (if it ever reopens) suit the smaller bikes like the 748. Despite nearly being killed at the Goose Neck at Cadwell but some idiot on a Ducati day I loved the track but Brands Indie is still my favourite. Short enough to learn quickly but challenging enough to scare the living bejesus out of you when your ability lets you down. Andy
  5. Oulton Park and Brands GP. Both must be at the top of your Bucket list.
  6. Don't forget Anglsey
  7. here goes and this list is based on my hate of Silverstone (too big, too sterile, too bland) and I rate Donny highly, but can''t stand Cadwell, I know I'm in the minority.

    If you like Donny you'll love:

    Brands GP
    Snetterton 300

    You may enjoy:

    Rockingham Internation
    Brands Indy

    I've not been to Anglesey but everyone raves about it, theres lots outthere, just get trying them all, some you'll like some you won't but until you give them a go, you'll never know, none are rubbish, they are all a bit different and we all have different tastes ...

    To put that into perspective everyone bangs on about Phillip Island but having done it it doesn't even come into my top 5 circuits for enjoyment to ride as a ribbon of tarmac, as an experience it was awesome, but as a circuit, theres better out there.

    And thats why you just need to go try some :)

  8. My favourite has to be Cadwell and in 2nd place Anglesey, Oulton is a lovely track but for me it comes 3rd
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  9. I'm no expert, but that does look fun!

  10. Malllory may have limited life as a circuit. Get there sooner rather than later, if that one appeals to,you.
  11. Mallory's going to be fine, worry not.

    As for circuits to ride. I love Donnington and Silverstone GP, was really pleasantly surprised with the Snetteron 300 this year., Coram has to be one of the best corners in the country. Cadwell and Anglesey are great fun too.
  12. Must Do's

    Brands GP

    Everyone speaks highly of Oulton, which will be on my hit list for next year

    Snetterton is good fun
  13. Both Cadwell and Brands are quite high on the list due to travel times,etc.
    I still love Silverstone so may do that as well but really need to try somewhere else as well.
  14. Cadwell is 4+ hours away from me, its well worth the trip though, itslike the best rollercoaster you have ever been on.

    Have you considered Euro events as well? Portimao is an incredible track and is well worth a trip
  15. Anglesey, it's an epic track.

    dont expect lovely garages like Silverstone but my god the elevation changes and view of the sea crashing on the rocks when you drop down the hill is brilliant. I've seen loads of people run on being fixated by that and missing the next left :)
  16. Am I right in thinking 5th gear used Anglesey for their car comparisons ? Andy
  17. Not quite like Silverstone but there are new garages at Anglesey now.

    And you're right, it's a stunning location for a track :upyeah:
  18. Oulton and Donny for me, both different both great
  19. parcio newydd...:upyeah:

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