Hi all, Some of you will know Michael and what happened to him earlier this year, a life changing injury as you will know. Well Michael is still in hospital miles away from his wife Linzi and will hopefully be home for Christmas. He will unfortunately need 24/7 medical care for the rest of his life given the extent of his injuries and their home is being converted to prepare for his daily needs. Michael setup Ducati UpNorth and has been a huge contributor on many motorcycle forums over the years, he also spearheads Orange Mountain Bikes and he hopes to be back at work some time in the future. He's a good mate and it wasn't easy seeing him in hospital some months ago if I'm honest and I also feel guilty for not getting more time to visit him or Linzi. With that in mind I've set myself a challenge to grow a Mo for Movember but the money I can raise via justgiving will go direct to him to help buy whatever he needs to have some quality of life. I've called my challenge Mo4Michael and if you know me I'm not very good at stubble let alone a tash so it's not going to be easy!! I'm on day 6 and I'm still in full beard mode ready to start hacking away any day now. The justgiving page link is below (not activated yet but please keep checking) so please dig deep to help him and support me along these 30 days. https://www.justgiving.com/local/project/mo4michael Also check out his official page Ride for Michael and support Michael Bonney Here's day 6
Mike has always given a lot to the world; this is a good chance to give something back to him. A very good cause indeed.
So day 7 and still no activation from the Justgiving page, I've been back in contact so hopefully something will happen soon... sorry. Anyway, today I've shaved off the beard.
Hi folks, Day 8 photo below, you'll notice I'm going through silly headwear - if it'll help raise money I'll take requests!! I've dumped justgiving as they will take around 2 weeks to go through all their security checks.... Grrrr! So I've setup a new fundraising site which is now live - yey!! PLEASE contribute as much as you can, I really want Michael to feel like we've done something for him and Linzi to get him home and into a decent quality of life. Thanks Jon Link to donations page - Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo
So I'm on day 9 and have raised £125 already thanks to Mr C on here for his donation, someone has donated £50 but I don't know who so if it was someone on here many thanks that's a great donation!! Been out today on my MTB, Orange strangely as that's who Michael works for. Please keep those donations coming. Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo
So here we are at day 10, considering I only managed to get the fundraising site up and running a few days ago I've managed to raise £305 already... thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! I won't say names but thanks to you all, but I've got another 20 days to go and I want to hit at least £500 I've promised myself I'll double it if we do, so if you want to see me out of pocket chuck some money in the pot!! Link to the donation page - Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo Today's photo, sorry for the strange look
So day 11 and what a day, apart from the damn thing itching I managed to achieve the goal of £500 and exceeded it this afternoon, currently at £520. Thank-you to everyone here for helping it's much appreciated. But it doesn't stop here, I've got 19 days to raise as much as I can for my good friend, so please continue to read this and help if you can. I've promised myself to double whatever donations are received by the end of November so if you hate me you could cripple me financially if you wanted!!! Today's photo... And again the link to make a donation Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo
So day 12 and it's starting to itch like a bugger!! But considering I've not raised £560 and I've promised to double that which means the current total is £1120 I'll put up with the minor discomfort! So firstly thanks for the continued support, but I want to see some more money coming in I know some of you won't know Michael but this is very personal to me and he did start Ducati UpNorth and have a couple of Dukes in the garage. I've got 18 days left so no excuses! Remember you can donate at Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo
Post a pic of you, the Mo' and wearing full ladies sussy and bra, and I suspect someone will make a donation. Not me, of course, not for that reason, anyway.
Day 13, still itching but hey I've raised £715 so far, brilliant!! And there was a mystery donation of £100 today, so whoever that was thank-you, 17 days to go so god knows what it will end up like then. Today's selfie, don't forget donations appreciated at - Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo
Day 14 and no real change, so I'm going to hold back on a photo... I know sorry, but some of you will probably be glad about that anyways. Today's total has hit £755 thanks to Pibbow (Pete) donation earlier today so many thanks to him. Please donate at - Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo Thanks