I have a question!! If a rider spends a year on a CRT will this count as the rookie year so they can get a factory ride ?
Ha Ha lol Next year i reckon will see moto 2 fast riders doing a year on CRT. It will be interesting to see how many more CRT's enter 2013.
I think that's the whole idea of CRT. I read somewhere that there's a whole host of teams lining up to sign on for CRT. It's the future, no doubt about it.
Christ, i never thought trying old GSXR 750.s and even Katana 1000 on a track in Proddy racing days elevated me to such status.
LOL, you are a persistent Plonker, if nothing else. I've forgotten, what was your pertinent question? Please ask again And I'll do my best to reply and get this charade of a thread put behind us once and for all.
And thats it, that is your question? Seriously? If you want an honest answer, folk who have raced Bikes might be a wee bit more passionate about the subject than others, but honestly ... all opinions are welcome. If I've trod on your toes or hurt your feelings ... I'm sorry. Are you done now, or is there something more?