Do the Metropolitan Police also believe in Father Christmas?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. You telling me that when SWMBO is out with the girls you don't play the "I'll fit myself into a holdall then lock from the outside" game?
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  2. Hmmm, case slightly embarrassing for someone but not solved. Quietly file it away in the same folder as the Dr David Kelly case.
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  3. What made me laugh ( ok that's wrong of me !!) was they tried over 400 times to lock themselves in the same sort of bag!!!!!
    That I would have paid to see ...
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  4. I light of recent ( and not so recent ) events, I don't think that facts or evidence have a great bearing on what the Met Police believe...
  5. A sex game that went wrong. The person who locked him in, found he was dead and skedaddled.

    Either that, or he was rubbed out by some spy who had a real sense of theatre.
  6. maybe he had a migrane and couldnt find a darkened room !!
  7. Developing photos possibly?
  8. was it a 'bag for life' ???
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  9. I came to the conclusion a long time back he was "erased". If it had been a sex game gone wrong surely some forensics would surely have been found.

    I don't know why the body was put into the bag but maybe something to do with the cleanup. The fact that not a shred of DNA could be found suggested to me a cleanup job that could only be done by somebody well versed in forensics, or professionally trained in how not to leave any traces behind.

    Maybe I'm paranoid although I'm not usually a great one for conspiracy theories, this case just stinks way too many things that were questionable and didn't tie up (sorry). Not saying it was necessarily "our" side either could have been another foreign agency at work too.

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  10. [h=1]Do the Metropolitan Police also believe in Father Christmas?[/h]
    I hope so, I do. Who else is going to bring me some lovely gifts. And anyway, everytime I leave some Port and a mince pie by the hearth, it is always gone in the morning. Im sure Rudolf doesnt sip it, he's lead driving.
  11. naughty but nice

  12. typical utter stupidity from plod...

    my thoughts are that it was probably a homosexual sex game gone arse up, so speak...rather like when they find some poor sod having a fruity tug in the wardrobe with a silk hankie wrapped round his neck....

    poor bugger.
  13. These are the people who believed it was OK to execute an illegal immigrant in cold blood on a tube train...
    They have some funny ideas...
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  14. ohh it must just be you then pmsl :p
  15. which was pretty much the reply i was anticipating....i hope the poor bugger line wasnt wasted on you..
  16. Well if the American Secret Service can blow President Kennedy's head apart and no-one blabs for 50 years, what chance finding the truth ???
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  17. Easy to explain apparently
    If you are a petite female contortionist
    #18 Duke of Stow, Nov 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  18. Conclusive evidence then. He did do it himself. :rolleyes:
  19. A Travel Wife - how convenient!
    #20 figaro, Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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