Ducati Forum Secret Santa 2013 - Dear Secret Santa letters

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Paivi, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Those taking part in the Ducati Forum Secret Santa 2013, could you please post your letter to Secret Santa here, so Santa has some chance of getting you something thoughtful.
  2. Dear (Secret) Santa, please can I have something useful for my workshop! I promise I've been (almost) good this year, cheers, Nick
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  3. I've been a bad boy all year so deserves a new 899!! :upyeah:
  4. I'm a really really good girl Santa
    But only on Sunday's :)

    Anything pink and or fluffy
    Turkish delight non chocolate

    And if your feeling flush a 888 would be lovely

    Thank you :)
  5. Ive been good santa but i could be really bad if needed !!!
  6. handcuffs_1218482i.jpg


  7. Well thats you sorted then Viv, anything else to go with them ?
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  8. Peter Andre :)
  9. Really?

    Really, really?? :eek:
  10. Yes please please please
  11. Blimey.....................we all stand a chance then :wink:
  12. You do know hes as bent as nine bob note !! unlike the full bodied proper men on here Viv :tongue:
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  13. I have breakfast with him every Tuesday morning ooooo yummy

  14. Banana?
  15. No El T Viv has to feed him as he isnt inteligent enough to do it himself lol
    #15 749si, Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  16. H lives round the corner from my work, I see him from time to time, hes really short !!
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  17. And prolly with a little cock given the amount of steroids he has used. Allegedly. :smile:
  18. Ah yes but he is a very talented musician :rolleyes:
  19. Compared to Pinky & Perky :tongue:
  20. Fair Comment El T, but you think ...when was the last time you saw two pigs singing ?
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