Monty Python....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Il Presidente, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. #2 Chris, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  2. More like Cleese is absolutely potless...why else did he do the AA ad..and you all know it just will not be remotely funny, dont you?!
  3. that's what it looks like... press conference tomorrow
  4. I wonder if the old stuff is still funny?
  5. Probably not a good idea, some things are best left in their own time.
  6. Some of it is, the movies are (altho meaning of life a little dated) and I can still watch some of the stuff but as funny as the dead parrot was, bit like four candles or del boy falling thru a hatch, its been played so many times its kinda 'not again' these days for me
  7. Its going to be embarrasing, at least thought Michael Palin would have had a bit of dignity and left well alone.
  8. I think Cleese' last tour was called "the alimony tour".

    I fear the worst!
  9. They can smell money. That's it :rolleyes:
  10. Well Sarah really wanted to take her dad to the Sat show. I get a semi panicy email yesterday saying she was struggling. Anyway, short version. I had to spend £213 to buy her the tickets. Looking at the news, I was really lucky to get some for her. It typical thou. I can easily get tickets for a show I have no interest in, but if I wanted to go, i'd be shit out of the luck stuff :tongue:
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  11. you did well Matt - all tickets sold out in 43 seconds allegedly
  12. Now sell them on eBay for a hugely inflated price and spend the money on carbon and a Monty Python DVD.

    Everyone's a winner.

    John Cleese at the least seems to have turned into the sort of bloke his earlier self spent all his time lampooning.

    I think MP were amazing but an awful lot if water has flowed under the bridge since the 60s.
  13. At the time MP was fresh, chaotic, shocking and very funny, but by now the sketches and films have become canonical. Sticking to them closely would be a disappointing pastiche; departing from them would be heretical. Still, these are a bunch of really clever chaps and maybe they will amaze us all yet.
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