So, humans have been on the planet for a fingernails growth of existence. Given that, and what we have achieved, shouldn't we have done more for our world?... Personally I think that we should really be looking at preservation and getting the brainiacs of this world to make it a better place, rather than the rape of the natural world... thoughts?
Sadly greed, money and power rules. When the last drop of oil has been drained and the last tree chopped down then maybe we will sit up and think
The human race will be the cause of its own down fall. However the world is ever changing and by the law of averages we are due a monumental disaster of some description which will take mankind to the brink of extinction.
A conversation that always stirs up opinions at the pub is asking someone how much they think the last oil drum of oil will go for?
You may well be right, in some sense. But I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "the law of averages", or why you think it has any validity. Law of averages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Preserve what, define better and for whom ? I have a recurring image of the earth as a petrie dish covered with a layer of agar jelly and humanity is the bacteria being cultured. When the agar jelly is covered and runs out the bacteria dies. Part of the human condition is to strive to improve our lot, it is why we have been so successful, but we live on a planet of finite resources, I am not sure the two are compatible. The real winners are our genes.
Rich boys such as those with the worlds most expensive cars in Dubai, wanting to show off their wealth and power? It wouldn't be far from a possibility really. I wouldn't be surprised if it went for over a mil. Just so some rich kid could tear up and down the block in his gold Lambo. People have a lot of money. Much more than we scum can imagine. And throwing a million or a few aside to own the worlds last drops of oil really isn't that hard to believe.
The preservation of our world and 'better' being that every life has a fair chance. What we have built with commercialism, democracy clearly isn't working. We need (and probably will) end up being cavemen again. Humans have ruined this world at the expense of what? So we can have central heating, cars, mortgages etc?... All crap that we pay for but don't need...
As radihead says, I too think mankind will be back in caves at some point (those that survive). The population growth figures show us where we are heading, 1800 1billion, 2011 7 billion. Man already has an urge to warmonger, how will a severe food , water and fuel shortage affect things. It would be nice to be able to look forward to a loving responsible future earth but the chances of it happening are nil with Man in control. Maybe Aliens will intervene or possibly god will depending on your beliefs.
Hopefully we will all be exterminated with an asteroid... We wouldn't even know its coming and if big enough, it would take a fraction of a second from entering the atmosphere to when it hits.... Hope I'm right underneath that facker. Prefer being vaporised to being in a nuclear winter!
I gave up trying to make sense of it a long time ago, in the meantime I just get on with life. I like central heating and cars (although bikes are much more fun) and fortunately I don't have a mortgage, although I do have a load of crap I don't need.
A quotation to cheer you up RadiheadR6:biggrin: 'The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between this profusion of matter and the stars, but that within this prison we can draw from ourselves images powerful enough to deny our nothingness.'
Cheery bleeder....but sadly, probably correct. Unfortunately for us civilised humans we have a few things that put us at a disadvantage.. Our brains have to be like sponges, particularly as infants, to absorb as much information about the world as soon as possible. However, the brain does not discern between good and bad information...therefore, we are stuck with people passing on crap like religion which is the tawdry scourge of our young humanity.. Also, our lives are based on a monetary system, not on a resource system...I cant be bothered to go into it now, but look up the work of people like Jacque wont happen of course, because we're too primitive and tribal... If we ever reached a position where we a truly global society (like in sci-fi movies), instead of little tribes called countries, and whilst we have the shackles of religion around our necks, with all the barbarism, superstition, ignorance and prejudice that entails, then we'll never be happy, and never be free... One day, our species will become extinct like the other 99.9% of species that have ever existed on our planet, and mother Earth will shrug her shoulders nonchalantly as other species evolve and die, evolve and die.... Then one day, she and the rest of our solar system will be destroyed and die to become flotsam and jetsam in Andromeda's wake, and in that death, new stars will be created and new life reborn over cosmological time.... and maybe other species will be lucky enough evolve, and for the opportunity for the Universe to literally know itself as we have given conciousness to the universe...each and every atom in our bodies and all of the elements in the Universe forged in the fiery interstellar nuclear furnaces of stars... and they too can invent fairies and kill each other over sky wizards that don't and have never existed...until the whole place descends into shit once more, and the entire universe itself implodes to create maybe the 2nd, 3rd or 100000,00000th big bang.
Been watching Brian Cox by any chance?... I completely agree though. We are crap that is a parasite to this planet, and also a freak of nature. Why there has been nothing to compete with humanity has been a loss really...
personally i preferred my 'Andromeda's wake' line..bit more poetic... our biggest hurdle is moving away from a monetary system towards a resource based economy and meritocracy...i dont think that this will happen because most humans are very greedy, and it is in our natures to hoard. Like all primates, we are very political. These, and other factors conspire against us....if we can recognise these traits, them we can stategise against them, but the will has to be there. The power lies with the majority, not the minority who currently control everything..they control everything, because humans tend to follow authority and rules..anyone who breaks a minor rule is scolded by the majority, even if the rule is unjustified..we are also obsessed with tradition....keeping rubbish ones and good ones... get the masses to police themselves makes life easy for those at the top...religions have been using these mass brainwashing tactic for millenia..people are generally so stupid, and the unique thing about humans is the fact that we are paradoxically so similar... Religion and the monetary system ruin all chances of advancement.