Came home after getting some Christmas presents, opened the front door, still wearing full bike kit. Bloke comes tearing down the stairs. Looks at me, starts to panic a bit more. I chase him out the house through the back door. I get to the car before he can pull away and manage to damage his shitty electric blue Audi A4 estate. His 'partner' tried to attack me with something or other...through a closed window...idiot. They screamed away and I got the vast majority of the number plate. The man rummaged through a few things downstairs, but didnt get a single thing. Checked upstairs and nothing has been disturbed by the looks of things. All they did was destroy the lock on the gate and back door and rummage throuygh some receipts and empty cupboards downstairs The Police came in 15mins and they were excellent Thankfully both the dogs were fine too, one really stressed, the other asleep (typical) As for the burglar(s), may you both rot in hell, you utter scumbags Oh, both bikes are fine too, which is nice :smile: So if you see an electric blue V reg Audi A4 estate with a massive dent in the passenger door, do what ever you want to them
They will send you the bill for the car door and sue you for causing them avoidable stress by returning to your home when they didn't expect you
Well done, I hope they didn't cause much damage while breaking in and very glad to hear the dogs are ok.
Buy some 'This area is covered by 24 hour CCTV' plaques and stick them up before you get a repeat visit.
good for you Matt..fair keeping my fingers crossed that they dont come back, and arent watching your gaff (dont want to out the frighteners on you)... Wow....scary mate...
Scum. Hope they get caught and get a proper punishment but the way this country works probably neither will happen. I'm a bit paranoid at the mo, there's been a lot of burglaries in my area recently. Nervous about staying over at the gf's at weekends.
Fekin makes your blood boil Complete tossers I hope they get what they deserve Glad your ok and your pets and the bikes
It is very common for burglars to come back to the same place for another bite within a few days. On the other hand, the sight of you on the warpath, Matt, may have been enough to frighten them away for good.
That's a horrible thing to happen to you.Glad that you are not hurt and you had a go.What utter shites are around-hope they get everything they deserve.
Let them try Just about :0) - bloody horrible it was That is indeed the main thing. They're lovely animals Bloody hope not Lots of pain and discomfort if I had my way Yep. Think he was just as scared when he saw me standing in the hallway I really hope so Yep North London. Another reason I want to move to the South Coast. Its lovely down there and they have a coast
I'm stupidly security concious. As a result, I have my keys spare keys in a friends loft. Never keep spare vehicle paperwork/keys at the same house the bike/car is homed at. And keep the main set on me at all times. Glad you caught them red handed mate.
how did they gain entrance to your humble , did you leave a window open by perchance. next time put a doormat with six inch nails poking up. :smile:.