Just caught a scumbag trying to burgle my house

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Blonde moment maybe .

    Well move the doormat with the six inchers from under the window to 3ft behind the back door with a fishing line ankle height fitted inside door frame with door closed against it.
    Oh don't let your cleaner/masseuse/boyfriend (delete as applicable) have them keys.
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  2. Yep through the back gate then jimmyed the back door, splitting the door frame :mad:
  3. Phew! You were both unlucky and lucky. Bear in mind what Pete said.

    I got cleaned out once. many many years ago. I had fuck all but they took it anyway. My records man, my records. Guts me to this day. Thieving cunts. I think its safe to utilise that word with its explicit definition. Good luck to you Matt.
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  4. thats shit, glad they didnt nick anything

    robbing fuckers rot in hell
  5. What scumbags! Glad to hear you caught them before they had a chance to take anything shame you didn't get them though always wondered how I would deal with a situation like that and I reckon they would only be leaving in the back of an ambulance thats if my dogs hadn't done anything to them too.
  6. Sorry to hear that Matt!... They would be daft to come back... Bet you were bigger than them both put together!... Fackers. Need their balls lopping off with a blunt spoon!
  7. Sorry to hear but glad you managed to inflict some damage on the scumbags.
  8. Freekin Nora Matt!!!!!

    Move the bikes if you can to somewhere else for a few days

    I overheard a guy describing the two bikes outside my window at 1am couple years ago
    Couldn't see him but I moved them incase to another location.

    Glad your ok though and you scared the son of a xxxxxxx
  9. Thread moved to 'fucking hell the bastards'

    Glad alls ok mate
  10. Interesting Matt, my parents were broken into last Friday in Enfield. Back door resisted 5 attempts to jemmy open and they finally got in by using same method on patio doors. Neighbour said he saw two scruffy looking blokes legging it up the road- maybe to where their blue Audi was parked?

    I'm anxious to meet them soon.
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  11. Get an alarm Matt
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  12. house alarm and rear outdoor security light with buzzer when activated.
    also cheap cctv ??
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  13. The advice we always gave out was make your place so Unappealing to burgle they go to your neighbours. Ruthless but true. Smart water everything, alarm box ( doesn't matter if it has one) ground anchor for the bikes don't just loop chain through the wheels but frame etc; bolts and dead locks for the doors and windows, doors with panels upvc or wooden are piece of piss to force with the heel . Generally they only come back if 1. You have something worth lifting or 2. Several months later after the insurance has paid out, to nick all your lovely stuff. Partial reg n description posted in the local shops warning others and outside local cash convertors etc; and do not stop pushing the old bill. Tell them of concerns of repeat returns may place obs on your gaff. Shame they weren't tooled up pick axe handle etc as if the police were told that it then becomes agg burglary, esp if you felt in danger of assault and they had brought said implement onto the premises (wink wink say no more nods as good as a wink to a blind man).
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  14. Sorry to hear about this Matt. Good that they didn't get anything but hope you're OK. Not nice
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  15. image.jpg Get yourself one of these guaranteed to lick them too death

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  16. Matt, that must have been awful! Really glad the bastards didn't get anything, and the dogs are ok! Hope they catch the thieving toe rags and they get what they deserve!
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  17. Sorry to hear about this and glad you disturbed the scum and they got nowt ! Seems to be a very common thing these days. I live in a village in North Herts and there has been a spate of burglaries in the last month. Not sure how I would act if I caught someone but would like to think my dog would chew on their nuts !
  18. Really sorry to hear this Matt, and glad you are OK.

    Has happened to me now three times, in three different houses, in three different locations around London. On each occasion they took loads. Last time around was only June this year and I lost all my push bikes (4 of). F-ing bast&rds..... they even came in when they knew we were in as they had watched from across the street until we turned the lights out, then within 2 mins they took out the security lights et al and were in. Out again within 5 mins before we knew what was happening.

    Here is a sobering/refreshing burglary story though for you.....A few years ago, my brother was asleep in his bed, and tells the story of suddenly just waking up in the middle of the night because some bloke was right there next to him, going through his bedside drawers! He was shit scared, full of adrenaline, but he can actually handle himself. Burglar got what was coming to him......Before he really woke or thought about what he was doing, he lept up, smashed the chaps head against the wall repeatedly, then dragged him out of the upstairs bedroom where they were, to the upstairs banister and threw him over it - he landed on the downstairs hallway floor, and was then dragged out of the house by my brother and thrown in the street!..... then he called 999.

    Police arrived and by then he had woken up, calmed down, and realised how dangerous that all was. Guy had crawled off by then....But he had been half asleep and half terrified - so he said it was all just on auto-pilot, pure fight/flight response, and for once, the burglar got it full bore..... I think that was also the attending police officers view!

    Just as well he is a well qualified lawyer really! At least he could articulately defend himself against any charges later brought against him by some "you infringed my rights whilst I was robbing you blind" burglar....... which clearly never came.

    Still, I have always been grateful I have never met any of our burglars, nor impeded their exit - as all we have ever lost is therefore "things" which are ultimately replaceable.
    #38 ChamMTB, Nov 21, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
  19. if you not staying at your place at weekends how about getting a couple of handy friends to house sit for a while
    also how about one of these cctv camera's you can access with a smart phone so to keep an eye anytime you want

    oh and also connect a wire from 240 mains to the back door handle at night lol :upyeah:
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  20. Sorry to hear about that Matt. Nasty business but glad you are ok.
    Time to move to the coast I reckon!
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