VERY urgent/important query for any Australians.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Aint over yet :upyeah:
  2. You could say that!

    136 all out in reply to 295 ... hmm.
    And now Aus 65 without loss...


    Am I surprised?
  3. ssshhhh, don't tell em the score Pike, the aussies might not noticeā€¦..
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  4. Boycott saddened by 'pathetic' England

    England's batting was "pathetic" as they slumped to 136 all out on the second day of the opening Ashes Test, says Geoffrey Boycott.

    Just a matter of when, not if. - Ah well, one down four to go. :rolleyes:
  5. Matthew saddened by wife beating pathetic Geoff Boycott!. They are my National side and I will always support them, so there (blows raspberry)
  6. Blowers Raspberry??
  7. Who is/was Blowers Raspberry? great name for a pace bowler thou :tongue:
  8. Oh dear, intellectual joke by GOGl, passes you by, just like an England player swiping at a straight one, on the stumps......

    nice one GOGl.

  9. :frown::frown: i hate being stoopid. Its just not fair
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  10. Nah, your blessed.
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  11. and special :smile:
  12. Very English of the team last night, give the Aussies a chance. Very magnanimous.......

    extremely clever and subtle way of engineering three days batting practice.
  13. Matt, could be a good time to close this thread now, before there is a flood of Australians coming to answer the urgent question. :smile:

    It was a bit of a smug thread.

    Smugness has a habit of coming and biting you in the bum - just ask Homer (no, not Simpson).
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  14. Thread closed NOW!

    nothing to see, just putting screens up, very messy, reputations all over the place. Move along everyone.......

    When do the Winter Olympics start? I think we have a real chance in those......
  15. We certainly do in a about 3 or 4 events!

    Ooops.......forgot the thread was closed. Soz.

    Thread closed now :smile:
  16. How's your World Cup League team going? Or for that matter, your Rugby team? :wink:

  17. Your sailing team got back home yet? Or are they taking the long way round....
    • Like Like x 1
  18. That's not sailing, that's a bunch of rich twats in a pissing contest. :wink:
  20. I repeat - "How's your World Cup League team going? Or for that matter, your Rugby team?" [​IMG]
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