You could say that! 136 all out in reply to 295 ... hmm. And now Aus 65 without loss... uh-oh. Am I surprised? No.
Boycott saddened by 'pathetic' England England's batting was "pathetic" as they slumped to 136 all out on the second day of the opening Ashes Test, says Geoffrey Boycott. Just a matter of when, not if. - Ah well, one down four to go.
Matthew saddened by wife beating pathetic Geoff Boycott!. They are my National side and I will always support them, so there (blows raspberry)
Oh dear, intellectual joke by GOGl, passes you by, just like an England player swiping at a straight one, on the stumps...... nice one GOGl. :smile:
Very English of the team last night, give the Aussies a chance. Very magnanimous....... extremely clever and subtle way of engineering three days batting practice.
Matt, could be a good time to close this thread now, before there is a flood of Australians coming to answer the urgent question. :smile: It was a bit of a smug thread. Smugness has a habit of coming and biting you in the bum - just ask Homer (no, not Simpson).
Thread closed NOW! nothing to see, just putting screens up, very messy, reputations all over the place. Move along everyone....... When do the Winter Olympics start? I think we have a real chance in those......
We certainly do in a about 3 or 4 events! Ooops.......forgot the thread was closed. Soz. Thread closed now :smile: