You should see the rest of the flippin thing. Looks like I left it in a swamp at the moment :biggrin:
Birdie that's the same STM slipper im running.Worth paying out and getting it up and running again as its probably one of the best clutches available for Ducatis.Try Ducati Coventry JHP as im sure I paid around £45- £50 last time my spider spring needed changing.Think ive replaced two in about 5 yrs constant use. I just look at them like belts that should be changed every couple of yrs.Cheap really compared to what we spend on tyres servicing etc etc.Ill gladly pay £25-35 a yr so the back end of my bike doesn't hop and slide about when down changing. STM have a new hub and new revised spider spring available but probably more $$$.See pic middle far right is newer spring but requires new STM hub (middle of pic) also.
Greyman, Can I ask where you got your Ducati Performance clutch cups from? I couldn't find them listed anywhere.
Hi Rob, they came with the plate, genuine item that I've still only seen the one of!! Paid a stupid amount of money for: double retail, you pays yer money .... Must confess to not seeing the caps listed anywhere either ... JHP??? if anybody .....