Just caught a scumbag trying to burgle my house

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Why Jan 1st?
  2. Glidd, I'm shocked about your bicycle. Not that it got nicked, but that you paid someone else to service it!:eek:
  3. Shocking news, fookers breaking into houses are the lowest form of pond scum..
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  4. Roma influx, innit???
  5. I'm shocked about it too.............What's the point of a bike in shed in the UK, when the owner lives in Switzerland???
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  6. My brother, over from Aus, was told he could use my bike if he fixed the puncture. With customary brilliance, he somehow managed to fuck the entire axle. It's not easy repairing things at my folks'. My old man, an engineer, has all sorts of tools. The problem is that now 88, he doesn't know where any of them are (and they could be anywhere..). In fact, he doesn't even now know what they are for...

    I tend only to be over for a few days at a time there. It's the bike I used to have in London. After 4 years, I actually got if from London (where I'd lent it to a mate for safekeeping) to Oxfordshire. Getting anything done at my folks' quickly stresses them out. You want to enlist their help as little as possible. It was always pretty much like that, but old age hasn't improved anything.
  7. Sorry to hear about your break in.

    We have just had somebody break into communal garage, no forced entry so they must have followed somebody in. 2 cars, 2 smashed windows, my scooter has been mashed up front key area, top box and seat. A couple of push bikes vandalised and the access door to the entrance if the flats smashed with a fire extinguisher.

    The crazy thing is they did not touch my brand new Multistrada or hyper SP or my covered car. My scooter parts should in theory be able to glue and reassemble, again.

    Happy Sunday!
  8. :frown:
  9. All this is why I live where I do and have the security systems that I do. My only problem this morning was next doors ducks got out and were blocking the lane!
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  10. If ever caught, the perpetrators will be seen as the disturbed victims of society.
    They were probably on drugs.
  11. two more eastern european countries with a right to work here….influx…..
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  12. jeez Matt, glad to hear you're ok and the scrotes went empty handed, nail some sense into em!
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  13. What he says, so keep an eye out and beef up security in the meantime.

    I remember a guy in my town caught a burglar in his kitchen a few years back and beat the living crap out of him with a bat. Burglar took the guy to court and the magistrate laughed it out of court saying that it was the burglars fault as he shouldnt have been there.
  14. A few weeks ago my Brothers` van was stolen with all his tools and materials in. Apparently Mercedes Sprinters are a prime target and at least 3 others have been stolen in the local area of NW7 North London. Spoke to him on Saturday as he was driving his new to him van home and his spirits were definitely on the up. Changing his van for a newer one and replacing tools etc. has cost him £1000`s.
    He rang me Sunday morning and was very different to Saturday, some thieving scum bastards have broke into his shed and taken all his garden tools, strimmer, chop saw, and his mountain bike etc...
    Talk about kick you when you are down !
    It`s about time we as a country got really tough with these cnuts who have no regard for other peoples property.
    If they are immigrants 1 strike and out, better to be choosy who the hell we let in. We have the advantage of being an island and can`t control who comes in and what gets shipped out ! WTF is going on here ????
  15. i had a blade stolen from my garage 3 years ago along with couple push bikes and a nice bike jacket ..alarmed immobilised double locks on door but in and out noisey but fast pick it up chuck into a van they not that bothered about damage they break them for parts

    garage defender they attack with chain to tow bar just rip them out the ground ..stats show big dogs are best .but there no good as my garage nowhere near my house .i now have the lot on my garage including a silent sensor when the door opens goes off inside my house ..be outside within 10 seconds with a iron bar ;)
  16. Sweet Jesus , Just read that a lad doing a round the world trip on his bike, had it nicked literally hours after landing in Dublin.
    I,d drown the little fooker in the Liffey if I caught him, another proud day to be Irish:redface:
    Some parents have a lot to answer for:rolleyes:
    Round-the-world biker has bike stolen in Dublin · TheJournal.ie
  17. Insurance is going it buy me a new bicycle. Which is nice.
  18. New for old?
  19. Yes.
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