...if you cant keep up, go become a school cook!! BBC News - Female RAF recruits paid compensation for marching injuries
What a waste of space and money! Especially when we are making fully fit individuals redundant and yet it is harder to remove the unfit. Yorkie
Secretary by Al Murray The Pub Landlord - Live at the Apollo Hamersmith - YouTube around 3.40……..five women!
Joking aside they need to make allowances for the sexes, whatever the feminists say they are not equal, but marching?! Really?! Seems go me there needs go be a women's force and a mens force..oh no hold on...
The police some years ago changed the fitness test so that there could be no claims of sexism, so what used to be a rigorous physical test for blokes and to a lesser degree the women became a piece of piss for any bloke that was capable of walking. Consequently blokes that would never have made the grade did, and the women's test subsequently became easier. Way too go just lower the standards for all. And this compensation is a farce, if you want equality don't complain if you can't compete. No doubt they will now drop the standards for all.
Part of the problem with them picking up injuries whilst marching - and this applies to the male and female recruits - is that most of them have never worn anything other than trainers for the vast majority of their life before joining the forces. The biomechanics of their bodies cannot cope with proper shoes... As to why they are being paid compensation for it - pure madness brought about by "compensation culture"...
Great, another example of bringing things down to the lowest common denominator, rather than striving to improve standards. ....and as for the compensation..grrrrrr
all looks perfectly reasonable to me in this all inclusive society, fairness and equality for all, rhubarb, cabbage and broccoli. p.s. vote for me, i am standing as an MP next election….. so ill make a tough stand on this one
UKIP................just for the hell of it............can't make a worse cock-up of the UK than all the others have done.....