Drunk? do you post?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Does anyone else here interact with the keyboard when far too drunk to really interact with a human being? Or do you wake in a cold sweat at 4 am going shite why did I do that?
  2. Thats when many are truly honest...
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  3. Too right you do :wink: post when pissed !
    as for waking up in a cold sweat ? Never, why would you do that ?
    #3 Pikes Peak, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  4. No and no.
  5. Really I am surprised , I admire your restraint. (Edited due to drink) .
    #6 Baldyboy, Nov 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2013
  6. i try not to but when i am pissed i am listening to music on this thing. and being pissed i have a legitimate excuse for what i might say.
  7. I will occasionally post whilst mildly 'chilled'. (/wink) Usually weekends though. Maybe the odd evening. But never do I get completely 'mashed'.
  8. Normally more interested in finding some sort of comedy program on telly than posting, will do when I am 'merry' but I am normally on a night out if I am absolutely wasted.
  9. how no? 5 or 6 nights a week will do you no harm. my philosophy is what ever makes you feel good is got to be good for you.
  10. post whilst pissed
    I can hardly switch it on when pissed :upyeah:
  11. not pished but usually buzzing on pain relief. wooooooooooo etc
  12. Sometimes as above, occasionally drunk. It's usually not significantly different to my sober prose though, but that's probably because I talk more cobblers than a shoe convention...
  13. I dont drink. Apart from a wee dram now and again. 4 or 5 times a yr. My poison is herbal.
  14. I hardly drink nowadays. Just imagine the shite I'd post if I did. It's hardly worth thinking about :tongue:
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  15. I try not too

    Don't drink very often apart from the odd hot toddy
  16. Fnarr fnarr......
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  17. Post when pissed, I'll drink to that :upyeah:
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