Meeting your heroes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. I had the fortunate position of spending several hours with a painter named Robert Taylor an aviation artist, probably the greatest living aviation artist. Oh my god the man is amazing and so down to earth, I can't unfortunately post any pics from the meeting due to copyright, but I was blown away.
    However I once met ewan mcscott n Charlie booring and my they were prima donna's.
    So who have you met?
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  2. Well I met Al, he's my hero...oh and AndyB if that counts :upyeah:

    Actually I have met a fe of my football heroes of young and tbh everyone a let down. Not sure if thats because I didnt know what to say or because they were not interested...or in Clayton Blackmores case coz he was pissed!
  3. I once was a tv quiz show contestant - "Definition" on daytime tv and produced by Harlech (shows how long ago it was).

    I was partnered by Anita Harris, who was nice but as thick as pigshit
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  4. I met,(actually I toured with),a very famous rock n' roll guitar player from America,whose music I had admired since I was a kid
    I won't name him,because:
    He was a class one,solid gold,genuine,100% corn-fed,fully fledged c*nt.
    Moral as far as I'm concerned? Keep your heroes at a distance....
    #4 Lightning_650, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
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  5. I've met several people who I have a great deal of respect for. Thankfully I've always treated them as normal people who have just done some pretty amazing things. Keeps me grounded and I don't come across as a giddy schoolchild
    Saying that if I ever had the chance to speak to William Shatner, my inner child would be tearing its way out :tongue:
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  6. I met Rocket Ron Haslam. Fast as f*ck and a damn nice bloke to boot:upyeah:

    Charlie Boorman absolutely hates my brother:biggrin:
  7. Ron Haslam is a grounded as they come :smile:
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  8. Me too at one of his race schools, along with Leon. Normal as normal can be. Nice fella's and a great day out too. My tutor that day was Vic Cox. Nutter. There was I head down, pinned heading towards redgate and he came past me side saddle watching what I was doing as we went round redgate still watching what I was doing and not where he was going. That was when I realised these guys are on a different planet.

    Ron is a legend and a friendly one at that.
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  9. Which is shit for a rocket :wink:
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  10. Famous folks what I have met...

    Michael Parkinson - Very nice bloke, very down to earth and happy to chat to anyone.
    Barry Sheene - Great bloke, and also happy to chat to anyone.
    Angela Rippon - Lovely lady, very pleasant.
    Carl Fogarty - Seemed like a decent enough bloke.
    Carol Kirkwood - Very nice lady - lovely in every way.
    Natalie Cornah (Local celebrity) - Also very nice...
    Narina Pallot - Absolutely wonderful, a lovely person.
    John Otway - A living legend and thoroughly great bloke !
    Thea Gilmore - Also a very nice person.
    Billy Connolly - Mad as a box of frogs and a great laugh...
    HRH Princess Anne - I think she's great !
    Lenny Henry - Also a good laugh, and seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
    Tony Bullimore - Genuine, decent, down to earth bloke.
    Mike Jordan (BTCC driver) - Great bloke, always took time to talk to the fans.
    Noel Edmonds - Thoroughly unpleasant - not a nice person in any way at all...

    The people that I would like to have met, but never got the chance are Fred Dibnah and Steve Hislop...
    (Maybe we should start another thread on "people that you would like to have met but never did" ?)
  11. worked for Sting and Trudie Styler for 10 years looking after their nags and yes I guess when I was 15 he was one of my heroes

    met quite a few of their 'buddies' including Madge and Guy (Guy probably one of the nicest)

    at the end of the day just people some OK some not so
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  12. ?.
  13. Met simon Lebon...infact taught him to ride a bike when i was at CSM in wimbledon, was a bit bizzare as his stunning missus used to come up and make tea while waiting for him to finish, she was lovely, he was an utter arse.

  14. You stalk for a hobby? Or do they all come to the Falklands on holiday?

    #14 TT600, Nov 26, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  15. TT... Just to clarify...
    Mike Parkinson - friend of the boss where my sister used to work
    Barry Sheene - met whilst marshaling at Donnington
    Angela Rippon - met at Plymouth railway station
    Foggy - met at NEC
    Carol Kirkwood - met at Navy Days, Plymouth
    Natalie Cornah - used to go out with a colleague
    Nerina Pallot - met at several concerts
    John Otway - met at many concerts
    Big Yin - met at a folk festival in Oxfordshire
    Thea Gilmore - met at a festival and at several concerts - she is the only person ever to have dedicated a song to me :)
    The Princess Royal - awarded me a medal
    Lenny Henry & Tony Bullimore - helped them fix their boat in the Azores
    Mike Jordan - met at Donnington Park
    Noel Edmonds - met at Plymouth Navy Days (and wish I hadn't...)

    We don't get many famous folk down the Falklands...
  16. met phil kay at a rave years ago seemed like decent fella pretty chilled out considering my dog was trying to do his.
  17. I met MrC from Shamen at a Sabres of Paradise gig at EC1. We were both out of it and chatted bollocks for ages. Nice fella though.
  18. A very old story.....

    I went to see John Martyn in Aberdeen in the late 70s as I loved his music. Great gig and then met him in the pub afterwards. He was happy to chat and even bought me a pint. Great guy.
  19. Lord Sutch. Went to see him and his band and afterwards had a drink with him. Or two. Maybe more. Now this guy was the loveliest fellow you could hope to meet. Erudite, charming and without any airs or graces. Plus he was as funny as fuck. His band were ace too. Top bloke and sadly missed.
  20. You are Avid Merrion :wink:

    What do I win? :smile:
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