Does anyone else here interact with the keyboard when far too drunk to really interact with a human being? Or do you wake in a cold sweat at 4 am going shite why did I do that?
Too right you do :wink: post when pissed ! as for waking up in a cold sweat ? Never, why would you do that ?
i try not to but when i am pissed i am listening to music on this thing. and being pissed i have a legitimate excuse for what i might say.
I will occasionally post whilst mildly 'chilled'. (/wink) Usually weekends though. Maybe the odd evening. But never do I get completely 'mashed'.
Normally more interested in finding some sort of comedy program on telly than posting, will do when I am 'merry' but I am normally on a night out if I am absolutely wasted.
how no? 5 or 6 nights a week will do you no harm. my philosophy is what ever makes you feel good is got to be good for you.
Sometimes as above, occasionally drunk. It's usually not significantly different to my sober prose though, but that's probably because I talk more cobblers than a shoe convention...
I hardly drink nowadays. Just imagine the shite I'd post if I did. It's hardly worth thinking about :tongue: