If only...it's an ex-Production racer: That is,an H1 in mostly standard tune/standard pipes etc,(whatever the regs were in those days),now in endurance racing trim with big-ish tank/racing seat/full fairing etc. The result of a mad rush of blood to the head surfing ebay late at night about 5 years ago.... I spent a fortune having it,"professionally",restored,(another story),got it registered,and since then have fired it up maybe 10 times I've never ridden it:the bitterness of being taken to the cleaners by the,"professional restorer",remains,and every time I lift the cover off,it reminds me.... Should cut my losses and get rid,but it owes me so much I can't bear the thought of losing so much dosh :frown:
ive been on the beeb as a backing guitarist for Keating, but ive worked for Channel 4 and Men & Motors Channel as a presenter back in the mid 90's and ive done some other bits too..sounds good, but was fairly shite.
It's all shite ,but covered up with lip-gloss for the camera If the billys were ever allowed backstage and heard the whiny demands of the "Celebrities"and friggin clipboard carriers,no one would ever sell a tee-shirt
Don't laugh....... cliff Richard. A really nice bloke. david beckham on a visit to afghan. Not quite as thick as he seems. Actually gave a shit about what you were saying to him and told his chaperones when HE was ready to leave, not be pushed around by them.
Christopher Biggins was at a mutual friends' house last Christmas, between pantomime performances. Seemed like a nice enough bloke...
I remember John Judge on a 500cc Daytona (nice tidy bike but not capable of staying with a 500 Manx or G50 Seeley) and later on a 500cc triple proddy Kawasaki metallic green and a bit of rocketship (at the time ) on the straight but not so comfortable on the bends, ( i think I have a photo of it chasing my best mate Tom Thomson on a 500 Manx on the bottom straight at Brands) John did mainly Bemsee and Southern 67 RC and possibly Bantam Club - not a mate but one of the faces in the paddock particularly Brands.
I met a guy called Paul Ince the other day, apparently he was a footballist for Manchester Rovers once....or something?
Not my heroes, but I've met: Brian Jacks (judo), David Moorcroft (runner), Peter Osgood (footballer), Brian Kilcline (footballer), Sean Bean (actor), Fred Feast (actor), Jimmy Cricket (comedian), Paul Daniels (magician), Peter Davidson (actor), Sandra Dickinson (actress), Leighton Rees (dart player), Rob Brydon (actor), Paul King (singer/VJ), Ip Chun (kung fu Grand Master), Charlie Kray (Kray twins' older brother), Showaddywaddy (70s band), Tommy Steele (actor/singer). And some more I've forgotten.
The Daytona was actually a 500 on a 350 bottom end.He had two of them,one slightly lower than the other,although they looked pretty much the same to me.(I sought him out when I bought the Kawa,he sold me all the original bits he'd removed when he bought it way back in 1971 or thereabouts).I'd love to see that pic if you could dig it out.I've actually got pics of him posing on the bike outside his shop in Luton,taken by and featured in,"The Luton News" Hows that for provenance?
I nearly bumped into Alex Jones in the West End earlier this year. She is stunning dude. She even replied to my tweet, which I know is sad on my part :tongue:
I was charged with showing some MPs what we do when I worked for Thames Water as a leakage surveyor. Basically we walked around London in the dead of night finding mains water leaks and pinpointing them using correlators and sounding sticks, ready for the pipeline engineers to fix the leaks. I set up camp at a known leak site and waited for the VIPs. First along was a Labour MP whose name I forget, second up was Tony Blair; he stayed just long enough for a couple of photos - certainly less than 2 minutes - and cleared off again. The next night, though, it was Mo Mowlem's turn. She expressed a slight disappointment at realising the leak was already known, and wanted me to show her how we find new leaks. So I packed everything in the van and off we went to a shit part of east London (Plaistow), spent a couple of hours walking round with a crowbar and a sounding stick (basically a cup on the end of a rod) listening for leaks, then went back over each potential leak with ground microphones and correlating equipment. In the end she spent 6 hours working with me, just her and me, and said she thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Mind you, she didn't shut up all night.
I'm sure she's very nice in person Matt but I just find her annoying. No rational reason for it. I just do. Obviously the punch in the nose i'd like to give her is a comedy punch in the nose. Not a real one.
Fed Feast? FRED FEAST????? i think we have a winner, for the scraping the bottom of the barrel ward!! whats really sad is i knew who he was ( my mother forced me to watch corrie, honest, i was a mere 10 year old stripling)