Describe what biking means to you.................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Excitement, nerves, routine, freedom, peace, friendships, happiness

    Has turned into nerves, fear, find any excuse not to go, sadness
  2. lost my dad last year and motorcycles have been my coping mechanism. Love to disconnect when i ride from all the bull & the adrenaline, smiles and looks i get when i fly by makes me feel on top of the world...

    these days i think riding is one of the only ways to break the cycle :)
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  3. Relaxation! I have a fairly stressful job and my personal life atm is pretty dire tbh....but even when I'm feeling really down a good blast out on the bike and I always come back with a smile on my face :) Only been once when I came back worse than when I went out, I was carrying the remnants of my bike in my sisters car though....even then I was moderately happy that I was still walking and talking ;)
  4. Nonsense. Riding like a victim makes you invisible.
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  5. I don't think I ride like a victim :smile:
  6. It's the first, last and most meaningful thing in life.
  7. I wouldn't go that far, the most meaningful thing in my life is my Wife and Family. If the most meaningful thing in your life is an inanimate object, you might want to review quite which direction your life is heading :wink:
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  8. Because 8 out of 10 cats say so, and everything these days comes with Pro Argin Formula, and 1% fat, so it must be good for you.
  9. It's always been part of me, in some ways a natural combination of my love for machines and my love of two wheels (you couldn't keep me off a bike from the moment the stabilisers came off)

    A harsh mistress, and one who has left an indelible mark more permanent than any tattoo, yet one for who I will forgive anything.
  10. Feelings and emotions are not inanimate. What pushes everyone's buttons varies.
  11. I have bikes to piss my girlfriend off. It a successful ploy, she is always pissed of with me.
  13. I'm changing. Starting to feel my age now and starting to slow down a bit. The days of headlong rushes across Europe don't appeal to me as much as they used to (although my trip to Brno last year was one of the quickest I've done). Now my biking revolves around dry weekends and thoughts of romping down continental byways taking in the scenery.

    But it's had a price to pay; the slower I ride the more scared of speed I become - no-one told me about this phenomenon. I'm not prepared to hang my balls out in the breeze any more, so buying a sportsbike seems a pointless exercise to me now, no matter how much I still lust after them. I'm finding as much pleasure in tinkering with my old Guzzi as I used to deride from wheelying down the High St as a yoof. Today I'll be as thrilled to get the Guzzi's footpegs down as I was getting my knee down all those years ago.
  14. I can relate to that, my wife absolutely hates everything about it, the bike, the gear, other bikers, everything! :upyeah:
  15. my wife loves the bike shes a good pillion
  16. It literally is "that feeling" & meeting like minded folk.

    But the best for me is getting away and been exhausted after 6hrs a day riding for 10 days. Just dont get to do it enough.
  17. "Not guilty" - Is that one word?
  18. No it's 2 Luca ;-)
  19. Ok then Not_Guilty?

    To elaborate not guilty of murdering every single person in London public transport, either working for them or using it. Long term exposure to TFL will make me guilty
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  20. Are you feeling lucky, punk?
    Get a bicycle.
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