my wifes brother on the inergarry to skye rd got caught in the end. lost his licence.not for the first time. then again fom oban to connel bridge this time handed him self in, lost his licence. gets it back in march next year. getting him self a naked this time. figers it will slow him down. bollox. he is a maccullum through and through. no brain no pain.
I had a slight moment while being chased across Hyde park, I'd hit the grass expecting the cop car to slow down, only he turned out to be a fairly decent rally driver. I'd forgotten to tax or mot the bike. Or insure it. Or take my test...
I blame my metalwork teacher at school. He was rebuilding an old Norton Dominator and got us involved in the project. When it was done I asked if he'd take me out for a spin on it. The police chase that followed came completely unexpectedly! Turns out he'd been banned from driving, so when the cop car appeared behind us he let rip, storming off down paths, through woodland and nearly losing it down a country lane. He begged me not to mention it, but he needn't have worried, it was the most exciting thing I'd ever been involved in!
Not a teenager perhaps, spots, stupid clothes/haircut (still at least I had hair!), LC or some other two stroke & no money. But certainly takes me back twenty plus years when I go out on it, just can't think of one word for time machine... ...or money pit!