Ive been reading about the RBS scandal, the latest in an vast number of white collar crimes committed by the scum banks and and bankers...mis-selling derivatives, adopting policies to deliberately put small businesses out on the streets....a bank that has rape and pillaged the public purse, like all the others, run by criminals, for the elite few at the very top, while the rest of us pick up the pieces. What has happened to this country? Where have the real politicians gone? Churchill would have given his last drop of blood for this country..The proud Labour party of 1945 revolutionised Britain to make it something to be proud of. Free milk for kids, cod liver oil, the NHS, dental care, funerals, welfare and social housing...finally a government that started to care for it's people..A people who had given everything for their nation, even when their own treacherous Royal family had been collaborating and conspiring against them with the Nazis less than 30 miles away from our shores. All of us 99%'ers , prop up the rich 1% ..we pay the price everyday for the criminal activities of the few, whilst we are brainwashed by the rotten media machine, and the prisoners think that they are running the prison.... The parties are all indistinguishable from one another, deliberately turning a blind eye to the £1billion of tax that is avoided and evaded by big business, and the super rich every single year....more than enough to rid us of the deficit..Yet, they still make cuts...introduce Uni fees, cut spending on everything, but are more than happy to rape us for more money, make a huge issue from the man in the street claiming benefits, turn the disabled away from receiving a fair standard of living, charging people for having one bedroom too many....and still they spend millions and millions on a war that has lasted longer than WWI and WWII combined...sending our blokes to their deaths, and destabilising our safety....the politicians should be charged with war crimes..the white collar politician criminals who have stolen our tax to get leaves swept from their drives, claiming for enormous houses and second residencies....im disgusted with all of them. Look at our scum media...feeding the people with drivel 'celebrity' nonsense and such like, the so called news which is constantly spreading lies about the over stretched and under funded NHS, perpetuating myths, not reporting about the oligarchs and corporations not paying their way....the news papers who are rotten the very core...the phone tapping scandals.....leading a dead girls parents to think that she was still alive by hacking the poor, murdered girls answerphone messages, then glamourising the story in their scandal sheets...and thats just one example of literally hundreds and hundreds... The incompetant and corrupt Police chiefs and the misinformed and mislead foot soldiers on the ground who are reduced to becoming little more than revenue collectors..the relentless revelations of corruption and criminality... Does anyone remember the Hillsborough story? The thousands and thousands of falsified statements and evidence...the cops on the ground seem to forget that they are also us, the people...but i dont blame them..theyre especially selected to ensure that they will respond favourably to their training. From 1979 to the present day, we have had a succession of governments who have systematically destroyed the industry and infrastructure of this country...somehow, we have gone from the great Atlee, to the idiots and criminals like Thatcher, Bliar, Cameron et al....and when someone like Milliband proposes a freeze on the inflated fuel prices for a year, it's treated like some kind of revolution... This is why i despair and dont vote..hopefully, when the shit arrives at the front door behind the gated communities of the upper middle class, we might start a political revolution in this country..It is long overdue.
Yay. A like for a post critical of socialism. Someone who see that socialism destroys that which it seeks to promote and protect.
I'll vote for you Funky! Wasted on this forum - get yourself down to Speakers' Corner! Or put it all in some hard-hitting songs! [I can feel a death-metal melody coming on…]
Unfortunately capitalism produces greed, not socialism. read about the Royal Mail, 70% of share's were pruchased buy the city. and we the tax paying own it anyway. Its all "UCK UP. if you ask me.
Capitalism allows people to succeed or fail. Socialism props them up until the weight becomes unmanageable then the whole lots comes falling down around your ears.
I am not saying that capitalism is perfect just that socialism is hopelessly doomed. Funky, as usual, makes some very interesting observations.
Forgot to mention. I wish that £1 billion of avoided tax could be used to rid us of the deficit. Unfortunately it would take £100 -120 billion to do that.
why do union leaders have to be generous. If it wasnt for the unions, the working classes would be a lot worse off. Holiday pay, sick pay. 40 hour week. and so on.:redface:
sorry, that was a typo..the super rich and large corporations avoid £100 billion in tax per annum. it is BECAUSE of socialism, not communism or any misrepresentation of it, that we built a welfare state that was the envy of the world...a state in which the poor, for once, had some kind of legal rights, their children were guaranteed at least one decent, and free school meal...where education was free for all from nursery to doctorate, a real "investment in people", not some pseudo-intellectual mission statement on a gold plaque somewhere... Socialism, true socialism, is about fairness..its about equity for people...the abolition of slavery is a good example of a socialist ideal..there is no such thing as socialism anymore...it was socialism that built the council houses, it was socialism that got the malnourished urchins out of the workhouses, out of the coalmines and factories and into a real homes, and real schools.... The media love to progate the so-called welfare culture of scroungers, whilst totally ignoring the theft and criminality of the so called elites, raping the public purse. In the UK, pick someone's pocket, and you will face jail, but if you steal not even millions, but billions of pounds from the public coffers, if you steal money and claim six figure expenses, if you're a 'Lord" and perjure yourself in court, there will not even be an honest enquiry....and people have the gall to call socialism 'corrosive'? I'm not talking about the warped lies reported in the theatre of the mainstream right wing rags..the same rags run and owned by scum like Rupert Murdoch..Dont fall for it..Dont fall for the lies you read, and the lies you see on the news..look behind the theatre at the agendas that these people have, and with whom they rub shoulders... Our expectations have been lowered with such exquisite precision, that Billionaire media moguls getting into bed with the cabinet, and the hacking of the phones of murder victims barely casts a flicker amongst the general public...nothing to see here.."oh by the way, that bird with the big tits is seeing that cute lad from that tv show".... We are living in a country where all of our freedoms, that were fought for tooth and nail by the working class, have been eroded away, and there is no voice for the mass of the population....no one gave us the vote, we had to fight for it...the disparity between rich and poor is quite literally greater than in the days of Charles Dickens..this is a fact, check it out...Huge parts of our cities are slums....Due to the nature of the Ducati marque, many owners have higher than average incomes, and many have little or no concept of these areas of our country....our tiny country (England) is also one of the most densely populated on earth, and is even more densely populated than provinces like Hong Kong...I genuinely believe that this state of affairs will cause a revolution in the UK.
You've kinda missed the point, I'm not saying unions are a bad thing, far from it. I am saying that the leaders of Sociaist organisations like Unions are generally just as greedy as any capitalist. Socialism as a concept is a good idea, in reality it doesn't work because greedy people will always find a way to take advantage...
capitalism has never done much for the poor..capitalism never provided free healthcare, never fed the poor children in the streets of London pre welfare state, never provided job security (it still doesnt).....Capitalism never strived to improve conditions for workers and their families..Capitalism has never paid people on merit, capitalism is not, has not, and never will be fair. Socialism hasnt 'propped up' the system..that usually falls to charity, and thats what happened in Victorian times when families were seperated due to poverty, when life expectancy was incredibly low because people were slaves, working in appalling conditions with no rights and no dignity..a time when people were forced to live like animals, sharing an outside toilet amongst 10 families...Capitalism never helped those people. The capitalists lived in enormous country estates, as they still do, whilst, the cheap back to back that was built without regulation, or adequate sanitation, and was built to a lower than the stables in which they kept their horses, were only a few miles away....Their servants quarters were like army barracks.... Thats where capitalism gets you..and if it were up to these fkrs on both sides of the house, they will have the NHS dismantled double quick time (theyre doing it as fast as is possible at the moment, and have unleashed a negative media campaign against it), and they will have our children working down in the mines again...figuratively speaking of course, because thatcher destroyed mining.
Dont be idiotic man. IF you vote, you dont have a right to moan....youre part of the problem..i dont get involved. Furthermore, if i submitted one of my rants to the Daily Mail, do you seriosly think that it would be printed?? It's a right wing arse wipe, that postures as a serious newspaper, when it is actually nothing more than the News of the World...Anything more than the most cursory of glances at their website will confirm that assertion.
We have all benefitted from Capitalism. Take a look around you. I agree that some have benefitted more than most and are taking the piss but that is a separate issue. After WW2 the west embraced capitalism and the east embraced socialism; who won ?