Yes it would be, because often they sound exactly like the front page vitriol towards a certain part of community. You clearly do this for fun, online terrorist and all that, because your views so often conflict with each other across different threads. With others thats life, because they are not so opinionated, but you are and they shift like the wind. And its a simple process. If you don't vote, you have no say in how the country is run. Moan and groan about other stuff but politics are off piste. So your answer to political issues is for no one to bote? Yep that will work ;-)
Capitalism should breed socialism. Ie wealth built up should be spread by more employed people, less welfare state and generally an aspiration to be better. The last state,net is the most contentious, as it seems no longer should people be accepting of their lot. Everyone should strive for more, better, improved....did the guy working down a pit want more? Or the woman packing boxes? No idea, suspect yes but never felt they would have so were happy with their lot. This idea it has created social mobility is way off the mark. SM is less now than ever, when you take the very bottom v the very top. What has changed is the perception of self worth, i.e. I'm worth more than macdonalds, or packing boxes, or digging holes, so I'll stay at hoke until I am given that £50k a year job I deserve. Cue welfare state.
Humanity as a species is too immature to be able to deal responsibly with capitalism or socialism. We are all too selfish, greedy and reckless whilst also being caring, thoughtful and measured. We are a species of contradictions. We dont have that much time left. So loot while you can.
Religion is the way forward, we should all be mormons or buddhists, that would sort the share and share alike issues out And I suit a beard..
the audience was broadly in favour of devolution. One of the panel members looked like she'd just stepped off the set of Braveheart and attacked anyone who didn't share her views. Someone proposed that if devolution didn't work out, they could just vote back into the UK. I honestly had no idea how anti-English and anti Tory the Scottish people are (based on this audience). Don't read anything into that - there's no judgement intended, but if the feeling is that stong, maybe the Scots would be happier as an independent country.
I don't think the audience is often a representative cross section regardless of location or timing. They are pretty much always anti tory and being of a leftist and possibly idealist ( does that mean naïve ?) tendancy, can be keen to favour anyone but the English.
Just had the re run on in the background. Big red hair, lots of chuck away comments, shouting down others, everything that stereotypes a Scots person. She did well...all that was missing was a deep-fried Mars bar hanging out of her mouth and a meat cleaver from her belt *sigh* if they want full devolution fine, long as they take back all their politicians too and we don't have to supply anything for free...oh and then we may also get equal rights and stop the outright racism towards English in Scotland, prime example being English = £9k student fees, every other EEC country its about £1500. Racism at its best
probably more anti tory than anti English. for me there are many reasons for independence. and nothing to do with oil. being smaller and more managable is the biggest reason. i have noticed since running my own business if you attempt to please everyone you end up pleasing no one.
The Scots will not be happy either way. I say that as a Jock myself. Theyre too busy blaming England for their ails without taking a hard look at themselves. Its easier to blame something else. The SNP are idiots and are leading Scotland towards some idealistic notion of what Scotland was before the joining of the crowns. The people are following like sheep without recognising what is blatantly obvious in typical scottish fashion. Independence is just another fuck up in the annuls of Scottish history. Of which there are many many examples. Not all Scots are anti english, but like many things those who are grumpy shout loudest. The rest of us just get on with our lives.
utter bollox. there are too many errors and glaring omissions to correct with a single post..far too many, but to say that social mobility is 'less now than ever', is quite simply far back does your clock go?? about 20 years?? How socially mobile do you think your ancestors were 100, 150 years ago..even 60 years ago? I'll wager that unless your background is from one of priviledge, that your great grandparents were working like slaves, and living in poor conditions...i know mine were...what social mobility for them?? did their kids (your grandad) get the chance for free school meals and milk? Did they get help with healthcare?? fkn stupid responses mate.
Bradders, seeing as you love to stick the knife in to the scammers and spongers at the bottom (who are probably stealing about 1% of our tax), why dont yoou have a pop at the big boys who are stealing £100 billion PER YEAR from the public purse??? In case you need reminding, thats enough to clear the deficit in ONE YEAR.... instead, you are obsessed with the chavs, many of whom are scamming the system because the system is taxing them for having too many bedrooms...what a society that is..quintessential 'caring conservatism'... why not get a bee in your bonnet about the fact that youre having to live with consequences of your capitalist chums iin the city, whove stolen billions from the public purse...why dont you get excited about that?? Why dont you get excited that we're all having to live with cuts to everything to pay for the people thieving and raping this country? i have more rights than anyone who votes for the toerags in the House, because i didnt fkn elect any of did, so get on with it.
Wrong agin, often are in many of your rants, I have a personal soap box when it comes to self employed paying sweet fa in tax as well as big business making far too much money and paying too little tax. To be an ideologist for as second, I'd have a cap on max profits of X% of total revenue, which would have to be different and complex given transfers pricing dodges the likes of Centrica pull off, and the rest would have to be invested in its people, i.e. more staff, its products, i.e. better for us consumers and technology, i.e. in a lot of sectors better for the environment. In fact I dont jump on the bangwagon, which you do, of vilifying the poorest in society. And the point is social mobility in real terms is no better than its been in modern history. If you have the nouse, work hard. Bit of luck you make it. If you are lacking ambition (not a bad thing) enjoy your lot or lazy arse you get not very far. Its not that difficult to understand, is it?! Capitalism and socialism working in harmony
And regardless who I voted for, we have what we have. If you stuck half the effort into making change happen as you do slagging everything and everyone off maybe you could make a difference. Just a though
yeah, but the problem is that down here in the South, all we see of Scotland and the Scots is pretty negative and has been for some time. I fear that if devolution is rejected, there may have to be a realignment of our (the English) relationship with Scotland regardless. And it will likely be on 'our' terms.
Why let the facts get in the way of a good quote On the other hand I believe my observations are truisms. I went to a state grammar school which evolved into a comprehensive, the change in standards was appalling. Having, in the last couple of years, one parent die of cancer and the other go into care with Alzheimers I think I am qualified to comment on the NHS.
it likely will as Westminster has the majority.imagine your neighbor telling you what can be done in your own garden. or yon racetrack getting closed down because the new locals dont like the noise. bit simplified but if you listen to the disgruntld its kind of what there getting at.
It already is on your terms. I think that might be what the gripe is about. Albeit marginal 'your terms'. When I was a kid the SNP were some marginal bunch of loonies. I havent seen anything that changes that view other than the fact theyre not marginal anymore. The SNP are just Mail readers with a scots brogue. They remind me of the Peoples Front of Judea...'what have the english ever done for us?' Apart from turning a sparsely populated agrarian civilisation governed by lawless Lairds into a modern democracy, oh and the roads etc. Bunch of splitters.