This has probably been touched on before or may well be known to the supergeeks and Apple-isti out there, but hows this for some blatant theft of design?? Apple chief 'guru' Jonathan Ive has surely ripped off ALL of these ideas from Braun?? What do you think, simple coincidence? View attachment 22290 View attachment 22291 View attachment 22292 View attachment 22293 View attachment 22294
Did you ever think he had a part in the design of the Braun products? Just a thought. Lots of designers stick with the same trends all the way through their careers
Mr Tamburini did similar with the rear of the NR750. Shall we slate him? All companies do it. Nothing is truly original, merely an evolution. Why do some refer to people who run macs as appletisti or geeks? I am no geek. I have a macbook I bought 3 yrs ago. Its as fast today as it was then. Plus its never crashed and its a doddle for my wife to use. Shes a complete tech simpleton. I have over 200Gb of legal music and combined with my iphone and ipod it seamlessly updates and integrates without me having to feck around. I know less about PC's noways than I did when I was a windows guy because now I dont have to keep fixing the damn thing. The mac just works. If PC's did the same, i'd use a PC. I am only loyal whilst the things work. Which, for me, they do. I can stream music anywhere in the house with no hassle. I still have a PC. Which I use solely for gaming. Nothing else.
Ive left it till tomorrow (sat) whereby I shall attack it with vim and vigour. Awaiting the arrival (tday) of some grinding discs for my Dremel. Once removed it will be cast aside as far as my arm can throw it. Apart from the RR and Stator back in 2000 when I got my 1st Ducati, the 916, Ive never really had any issues with them. They work. This is merely an inconvenience sent to taunt me for some unspecified reason which only the 1198 knows. She will be defeated. Of this there is no uncertainty. Then I shall laugh about it in years to come.
....years to come. and also embarass your kids with tales or riding modern race replica bikes as succesful as ladas foray into the luxury car market
All designers have to find inspiration somewhere... often in other designs. Yes, there are some similarities but to call them rip offs?? Especially the first one... it's like saying that one car manufacturer is copying another because all cars have four wheels and an engine What about various laptop manufacturers copying almost exactly MacBook Pro or MacBook Air? ....or following this logic, the new Mac Pro is a blatant rip off of a trash can :wink: