so who managed to get one at launch. and what is it like. all places claiming to have them but the stocks were so poor. every asda in our area had 16 sainsburys even less argos even less game and other independents had zero free stock for general sale. at such a crucial time of year for sales why do xbox and PS make such a hatchet job of availability with many citing march for next available ??
As much as its great to get a new games console on the day of release, its kinda pointless IMO as most of the software just isn't out there yet. Although an Xbox man, i'll be going for a PS4 myself, but im in no rush. Don't really want to pay £50 a game either
Been looking for a while at a new console, will be using my sons ld one as he has a new xbox coming for crimbo but its noisy,doesn't always play discs and generally old and tired. As xbox one isn't backward compatible, I'd be interested to see what the PS4 has to offer as an alternative as it will be all new games anyway
no its not but apparently some ps3 games will be available through the gaikai cloud streaming service in the future, of course you will have to pay for them so you still can't use your old ps3 games on a ps4. the PS4 looks like a cracking bit of kit, I wish I could afford both but I will be sticking with my Xbox One for the moment.
As on Attila review I am disappointed with both consoles TBH as both are average gaming PC's nothing else. For price tag they command I can build a PC like that, for a bit more a much better one. I am currently rocking on old ATI 6990, i5 3.4K clocked to 4k, 16GB of ram and physiX card. I can play new battlefield at 1080p no hitch at all.
I'm running a water cooled i7 3.4Ghz clocked to 4.8GHz with twin water cooled 6950's at 4Gb VRAM (clocked) and 16Gb RAM (clocked) on my gaming machine. I piss everything on ultra. Apart from those crap games with glitches ie splinter cell blacklist. Built by myself for approx £1k about 1.5yrs ago. BUT!!! theres hardly any good games nowadays and BF is full of glitchers and hackers. So it remains underutilised. This will likely be my last gaming rig.
a good valid point reference the avalability of pc games. also there is the question of where do the 400 frames per second etc become umimportant or the 2048 x 1536 etc become meaningless on an average pc display or tv that cant refresh that fast I have just got a 60 inch 1080 tv and what i really want is good frame rates at 1080 what matches my tv res with great online play - because for me thats where its at. im dissapointed with both to some degree but especially so with xbox so I wont be buying into that. I really think in this day and age where spotty kids have i-phone 5s and galaxy4s etc that the retail prices are too cheap and they could have made much better specs and upped the price by £100 and punters wouldnt have batted an eyelid. im disapointed in so far as some games with old game-engines arent hitting full 1080. (COD is hardly state of art - what happens if they really try and push the boundaries?? ) as a minimum I expect every game should see 1080 as a piece of piss. but both consoles still arent for me that was the main milestone to be measured by for the next gen to match tv hd. yes I am aware shading and textures are better etc. but come on - 720 on ghosts - were the console spec designers pissed. either that or experienced programmers cant code for shit
There's always someone who says this pc better than console stuff, with a console its simple plug and play, no compatability issues and the console wont need updated hardware every 6 months to play the latest games. All you have to do is buy the game and its guaranteed to work and will be good for the next 5/6 years. I used to build my own pc gaming rigs but got so fed up having compatability issues and then having to continually update the hardware every so often to be able to play games at their full potential. No more hassels just put the disc in and its good to go.
Every 6 months is utter rubbish that you are being feed by console manufacturers. Sorry but ATI 6990 is 2 generations behind top of the range cards, soon to be three so 3 years old. It can still play all the current games at 1080p without a hitch (so better then PS4/Xbox One). Next year I will either upgrade to 7990 or buy second 6990 (double current) as you can get them today for 200. This talk about compatibility is rubbish, guess what your software updates and having one that matches the game or better is the same as having all drivers up to date on PC. So you update both systems or you will not run the game. PS3/PS4/Xbox both now install games on HDD hmm just like PC. Phills system that he put together about 1.5y ago for 1k is much faster then my one currently is and if I can play games he can play games. My one will be becoming old in next 6 months hence thinking of upgrading. But that would give me now 2.5y on basically one PC (bar HDD upgrades as I love my movies). I bought PS3 when it came out as no gaming PC was even close to it's power then. If you spend about 3k on gaming PC then it would be about the same as when PS3 was released. I would have gotten PS4 if it was the same rule but it is not, they are week PC gaming boxes and Steam box that is coming out in next few months will be much more powerful at the same price.
Pre supposing of course everyone has the skill and knowledge to do it, or go to PC world and spend at least a grand and still need a decent screen to show it on
I like both. PS3 for driving games and PC for shooters. I can't do shooters on a console controller and I'm too old to relearn.
The only one talking rubbish is yourself! Ive been building pcs for best part of 15 years, are you seriously trying to say that your pc can run all the latest games at their full capacity spec? No I didnt think so, theres always compatability problems be it video cards, sound cards, software drivers etc etc they dont always work and its not always easy to trace the problem. Why would you pay £3k for a pc that is going to be worth a couple of hundred in 2 years? Thats just stupid when you can buy a console, every game released for it will work with no problems and will be running the machine at full capacity and it only costs a couple of hundred quid? Its nothing to do with any console manufacturers blurb or advertising its common sense! I bought and imported the first ever playstation from Japan 6 months before it was even heard of in Europe nevermind here and I still have it, I appreciated it for the technical marvel it was then and no pc ever came close to it for quite a few years. Every pc made is outdated within a matter of months its just a simple fact and if you think otherwise then im happy for you
There's no real skill needed to build a pc anymore, if you can wire a plug you can build a pc. Its all plug it together now, no more jumpers and such needed to be set its all very straightforward.