Rigby trial

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Starts today, wonder what the defence are going to put forward
  2. iz it coz i iz a muslim??
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  3. They have nothing to lose by pleading not guilty. They are and will be found guilty and will get whole life tariffs, when you get to that level of crime there is no time off for an early guilty plea!
    Only winners are he legal teams

    If there is ever an argument for the death penalty here it is
    #4 Mr C, Nov 29, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2013
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  4. What is it then?
  5. Every atom in my body would love to see them strung up.
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  6. I'd sooner see them made to work in the prison farm shovelling pig shit for the rest of their lives.
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  7. I'd sooner feed them to the pigs
  8. I'd sooner see them being pineappled by hitler in the pits of hell for eternity than waste another of my hard earned tax money looking after them
  9. Not really an argument though is it?
  10. Is it necessary to be so pedantic ? I will be surprised if a bright chap like you has not worked out what Mr C means and would rather he had attached a link to the latest trial website or had typed a précis of the whole story.
  11. I don't really need an argument, maybe I should have said that in my opinion I think that with a crime as shocking as this I would have no problems with the death penalty being dished out to these two.
  12. Re reading his original post I can't see an argument in favour of the Death Penalty.
    They plead guilty, they go to prison for the rest of their lives. The suggestion that the only "winners" are lawyers is entirely irrelevant and seems to imply there would be less legal argument and fewer appeals in a capital case, hardly likely.
  13. OK, that I can understand.
    I disagree but I understand exactly what you mean.
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  14. It's the internet. It's what pedantry is for :tongue:
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  15. Reactionism aside, I think we all understand why they must be tried and then sentenced and then imprisoned. Else we become as lawless as they. I also think we all understand that sometimes the lynch mob would be better for this type of criminality. However resorting to this facility is the thin edge of a wedge as then where do we stop employing lynch mob tactics. Peado's yes, speeders? shop lifters? The hang em now attitude is exactly the kind of Sharia law these types promote. We are a modern society and a great many have suffered for the privileges we now enjoy. It was only a 100yrs or more ago that kids were imprisoned for pinching apples etc.

    But this is a forum and venting of spleens is what happens. I for one want the law to be followed explicitly.
  16. There you go being pedantic again. to use a popular cooking show analogy " you have taken being pedantic to another level " well done.
  17. As a rule I don't believe in state sponsored murder and other countries over use of the death penalty. Reading the details of what happened has just made my piss boil and I cant get my head around it which has led to my hang um high attitude. I sometimes wish there was a prison set aside for the most abhorrent offenders which made their lives a living 24/7 hell with just enough food and water to keep them alive. Sometimes "normal" prison doesn't seem enough
  18. As the detail comes out I become les reasonable, less tolerant and less inclined to accept any human rights exist for them at all.

    Right now, the people j feel most sympathy for (apart from family etc) are the jurors who have to listen to this and examine all the evidence. It is truly horrific, but alas no different to anything which happens all over Africa and other countries every day
  19. Kill the pair of them slowly and painfully in my opinion. Pair of savages like that are a waste of organs and do not deserve to be breathing the same air as any normal, sane human.
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