
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ballbagracer, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Father wants to buy mother a half decent tablet (both in their mid sixtys) been looking at the kindle HD fire and the google nexus 7. She would really only want it for watching movies reading a book and some simple surfing. It really really has to be easy to operate :)
    Any of you lovelies have either of these? what are your thoughts. Thank you.
  2. Hello.I have had a Kindle Fire HD for about a year now and enjoy using it for web browsing,You tubing,emails.
    I find it quite easy to use,I am not very technical.Good screen.I havn't used it for books but my wife uses her Kindle all the time for book reading.
  3. Dont know if relevant but I have a. kindle and used that a lot for reading last year and found it excellent
  4. I have a kindle hd fire

    It's quite easy to use easy to download books and it's a nice movie player

    Havnt used email yet and it's easy to use Internet

    I would advise to read tutorial though as I thought I could skip it
    I couldn't find how to connect at first as you need to pull a drop down to find Internet etc

    I would recommend it :)
  5. Lubbly jubbly, interested to see info on the nexus :)
  6. my six year old has a kindle fire hd and says he wants a bmx bike for Christmas soooooooooooooo tell him to buy her a bmx bike ( blue ) :upyeah:
  7. I went through this last year when buying tablets for my 4 and 13 years olds, and my wife. I Iooked at the Nexus for the kids but went with Samsung Galaxy Tab2 7" tablets for the kids and the 10" version for my wife. I already had a HTC 7" tablet which was a year old. The kids have hardly put theirs down since. We bought decent covers for them but they have been dropped so many times and stil work perfectly. I was so blown away by my wife's tablet that I sold my HTC and she bought me a 10" for my birthday. The build quality is fantastic and weve not had any problems with our 4 devices. My wifes pad gets used as a tv on the table for several hours a day.
    my sister in law bought the Nexus 7 for her daughter and had a problem with the power connector breaking inside the tablet, known problem apparently. There is a newer version of the Nexus 7 so make sue you dont get palmed off with old stock.
    My advice is to make sure you get the right size device. 7" seems great at first. Its book sized and easy to handle. The bigger screen on a 10" makes it easier to type and selecting stuff on a web page is eassier too, plus it makes for a better viewing device for media.
    Its the right time of year for deals too. We paid just £110 each for our kids tablets and £180 for the 10". Se paid 230 for my 10" 2 months later.
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