Lottery anyone?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Since they doubled the cost I have t even done a lucky dip, which I'd occasionally did. Anyone still throwing cash at Camelot?
  2. No! I refuse to pay the new £2 lottery; it's not like the odds have changed!
    Not that I did it anyway. It doesn't appear to have made the jackpots bigger through increased sales/pot either as it's still roughly £2m jackpot.

    I sometimes have a flutter on the Euro millions when it hits silly money!
  3. My wife and I had a huge row last night - she called me gullible and said I was "financially irresponsible."

    I can't wait to see her face when I tell her I've just won the Nigerian lottery.
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  4. I think 3 numbers is £25 instead of £10 now.

    I dont buy a lotto ticket but I do have a euro millions flutter now and again
  5. Yeah I crack a couple of Euros when the pot is high tens, coz you never know

    wonder how Camelots books will look this year and more importantly how it will affect good causes. Assuming the double price means at least double donations?!
  6. I do one line a week. Got to be in it to win it!

    Jackpots are shite now though. They were higher when it started and got steadily worse. Wouldn't turn one down though!
  7. I think of it as a tax on the stupid.
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  8. I have never played the National Lottery.

  9. Like a tv licence? Ooh funky........ Where are you?.
  10. We just buy half the amount of tickets. Won £25 last week and in 2007 won £86,000.
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  11. I did the lottery for about 6 or 7 years, always using the same numbers and I never won a bloody thing. Not a cent.
  12. Anyone smoke a packet of fags-how much tax paid? Is that clever, or stupid?
  13. Que?
  14. I have a flutter on the Euros when the jackpot gets a little tasty but that's about it these days. Only people to benefit from that extra £1 are Camelot and the Government (funny the regulator let it go through.....not that I'm cynical or anything).
  15. only do the euro
    have not done normal lottery for years

    living in hope and just to see my bosses face lol

  16. Same here just cant resist.A win would see me go straight to the Bugatti showroom and then off to find somewhere nice to live like penthouse apartments in Monaco and Thailand.Feck the UK id have to have bodyguards for myself and family with that much money living in Wolverhampton.
  17. Only that smoking is a voluntary occupation, most of which goes up in smoke and entails paying a lot of tax.
  18. The lottery is also voluntary, the difference is you pay your money for the cigarettes which are given to you and then you smoke them. With the lottery you pay your money and hold your breath, hoping.
  19. I won £4.60 last night
  20. I still play, five lines, sat and same wed.
    got to be in it to win it. dont gamble on anything else. got £25 back last week.
    Had quite a lot of three No. wins, but still down for what i've paid out over the years.
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