Britain going back to the Dark Ages

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. funky was haing a rant about how socialism has destroyed this country.
  2. Ar right. i thought he was ranting how capitalism had and socialism would save it?
  3. vote blob!
  4. vote Pedro!
  5. Nope if you're Scots you generally want to emigrate there lol. I've lived up here in Jockland for over 20yrs and it's been not too bad overall, but one thing I've noticed is that in general it's always someone else's fault when it all goes wrong and boy do they love a good moan particularly about Maggie :smile:
  6. To get back to the thread, how many of you have got kids, at an age where they are just venturing from school into the world of employment?
    What do you think their prospects are under the current state of play? Better prospects than you? Will they have a choice of jobs, go to uni and use that experience to achieve their (and yours for them) aspirations?
    Forget all the propaganda about Immigrants and socialists being akin to terrorists and think how it will affect your kids lives.
    When you were a kid did you have a choice of professions or even an opening in the profession of your choice, bet most of us on here did and it isn't about us working hard and todays generation being a set of lazy bastards and all the immigrants get the jobs, there just isn't the f'ing jobs now because successive governments have sold off this countries heritage and pride to provide election winning tax cuts. Would you like to be a kid leaving school or uni and looking for a meaningful fulfilling job, I wouldn't.
    Tell you what, they could use their degree to get into the Health and Safety 'Industry' or the Financial Services 'Industry' Because god knows they won't get a job in The Making Something Tangible That Benefits Us All 'Industry' because we don't have one any more.
    Do you know what saddens me most about it all? It is my generations fault because we just fell for all the bullshit and let them get away with it. I hope our kids and grandkids are braver than us, for their sakes.

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  7. Funky Does socialism rely on people paying all their taxes to make it work you know like the Vehicle Excise licence
  8. I hate this waffle about capitalism verses socialism, both these things are merely ‘concepts’ they are simply ideas and theory’s about how economy’s function or how groups of millions of people might behave and function as a system. It’s impossible to understand something as big and complex as human society (society really does exist too, by the way - and the proof is when people attend your coming funeral with flowers), the whole thing is beyond understanding let alown power to control, and a hundred million people died the last century in two crazy world wars trying to settle the argument. Capitalism officially won the WW’s, so plz tell me why people who don’t work don’t starve to death in England today?

    Stop banging on about this crap like it’s a religion, and what the fucks it got to do with motorbikes anyway?
    #88 Chris & Nean, Nov 29, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2013
  9. This is the 'Lounge' section, we do motorbikes elsewhere.

    WW's 1 and 2 we're not about capitalism or socialism. The Cold War was when capitalism and socialism competed on the world stage and capitalism won, bankrupting the Soviet Union.
  10. * Capitalism as a system lays special claim to being an effective way of creating wealth, but has no claim to being fair or equitable.
    * Socialism aims to enhance fairness, social justice and equality, but has no special claim to maximising wealth overall.
    * Stalinism is an effective system for securing absolute control over everyone and everything in a society, but has nothing to do with wealth or justice (let alone socialism).

    Proponents of each type of political opinion mainly prefer to argue against straw men of their own creation, which is a lot easier than taking your opponents as they actually are. Each type of system has severe drawbacks and shortcomings, but nobody has yet come close to devising anything better. So we muddle on, we compromise, we try first this way then that. This is the nature of human affairs.
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  11. It's hilarious when people who don't understand something themselves have to assume that nobody else can understand anything either, and shouldn't even try. This kind of waffle is more often found in religious discussions than political ones.
  12. The key word here is "aims".
  13. Rebel.....Ye think Britain is bad? What about the dirty bastards in government here (Ireland) who bailed out their banking golf chums while crippling the nation in a debt that wont be repaid until my 5 year old son is 49? The biggest property developers who just shut up shop, owing ordinary hard working sub-contractors millions and retired to their estates leaving the ordinary workers facing bankruptcy? This country is fucking sickening, the corruption was endemic. The social welfare over here were on the news last week sending young people information booklets about emigration to Australia and Canada!
    Only one solution....stop being sheeple...


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  14. Here are a couple of questions for you:

    Now that the roads are awash with cars and every family has several, plus frequent foreign holidays, not to mention enormous TVs, why is there no money for higher education to be free like it used to be?

    Is the larger amount of people in higher education now a result of there being no interesting jobs available for young people to go into?

    Are there now no jobs or industry because they are all in the Far East?

    How come Germany is still a manufacturing and exporting nation?

    Do you think we are missing a trick?
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  15. Yes
    #95 Lightning_650, Nov 30, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
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  16. The Germans work hard?! Yeah right. Better conditions, better pay, less hours per week thats your average Brit
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  17. This is a fascinating thread and I applaud the open and frankness of it. Truths in most of the posts and agree.

    My view is the western world has got itself into a shit load of debt; the middle east/far east will own the west by lending/paying off the debt; living in Dubai and working in Iraq and travelling around a fair bit, it's scary to see how "western" the middle east (like UAE) is becoming as each year goes by.... go figure.....

    Eventually there will be a one world economy - just who will run that though is a scary thought.
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  18. Yes, we won WW2 they lost. Post war which two countries emerged as industrial power houses? Japan and Germany. Go figure that one?
  19. Creative destruction; that is what capitalism does well.

    Socialism props up inefficient industries, taxes success and rewards those who for one reason or another can't or choose not to look after themselves.

    Contrast Germany and Japan with the Soviet Union.
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