The living wage is an invention,based on the opinion of vested interests Nothing but a hot air soundbite,repeated so often it sounds like researched fact. No doubt some people will be convinced,but it won't include me. If they do legislate,it won't affect my firm because we pay far more than that anyway.
Of course there is, but many re-structures in large organisations are carried out with a desk top selection process. I didn't mean to be harsh with my comments, What you have written imo just makes you come across as slightly complacent, and your attitude towards your employer seems a bit strange. When I started feeling like that, I buggered off and started working for myself, the thought now of taking 8 weeks off from running my business is completely alien to me, but employees seem to have a different attitude.
Of course employees have a different attitude. They work for you. Work is normally a means to work to live not live to work. Thats why they are employees. Many large companies allow sabbaticals, up to 3 months (sometimes more) for a one off event whether travelling the world or playing GTA until its completed...but it has to be agreed and convenient for employer and employee alike. This presupposes both parties are reasonable...and in the modern place of stretching workload and reducing workforces it gets harder and harder to take these things up
my hobby is track days so I've put in for a four week track day leave session for next year………honestly some really havnt got a clue when it comes to legislation.
well the point is why should your circumstances be treated any more unequal than mine………….next the "single parent" brigade will be along bleating! ( single is an immaculate conception….there ARE always two !)
they shouldn't. so if you have kids under 5 your entitlement is the same. your argument doesnt really stand up does it. next youll be asking for your pension early because its unfair you have to wait til retirement or why you cant have maternity pay when you cant give birth
You made YOUR bed, chosen YOUR lifestyle choice why should anyone else, be it employers, work colleagues, Government Uncle Tom Cobbly be expected to either pay for it or be inconvenienced by it………Its a Social responsibility!
When someone is off on parental, maternity or paternity leave, who picks up their job during that time? Am guessing this is the crux. And why I have seen so many come back from maternity, get offered a package and be gone within 6 months of returning when they have taken more than a couple of months
no idea youll have to ask them. in my case i don't get paid. who ever wants to work extra hours will get the pay i don't really sort of getting the hatred here for someone using their entitlement to improve home life at his expense. I guess yous also hate career breakers people who fall ill or those who take time off for bereavement what can lead to long term stress. I guess yous also hate your own parents for getting winter fuel allowance. council tax rebate and a retiring at 65. it seems it suits you to be judgemental to suit your own ends maybe because most of yous are slaves to bills you struggle to pay and your sad empty lives
Woah fella, take it easy, no need to be quite so sensitive, it's the principle of paternity leave we are debating, not the argument that as a parent you want to put your children first, that's a given. If you make strong statements and express strong opinions, as you seem to do, surely you must expect some debate and strong opposing opinions. Not everyone, my friend is going to agree with you, but to label others as having "sad empty lives" because they don't agree with your point of view is a bit...well, sad and empty!
some arses saying I should forfiet my job and become jobless - what absolute cocks it becomes a matter not of sensitivity but trying to reconcile their views with my decision. all I can think is they have always struggled to be happy at home and jealous of others at work. and dont have happy balanced home/work lives.