Who's ready for Christmas?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 1037sps, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Well, I've spent the day digging out the Christmas decorations, buying new lights, hot glueing them to the walls the stupid bloody things, erecting a rather pathetic... tree, and generally hanging shiny things everywhere possible for my sons (Vincent :wink:) first Christmas.
    Now, as for everyones presents, erm, well, there's loads of time left ain't there?
    Any actually all ready for it? A few mates at work actually are! :eek:
  2. I don't do christmas. Load of shite.
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  3. You miserable old arse :wink:

    I'm well excited about Christmas.

    Loads of stuff I ordered from Flea bay arrived this week. Presents for my family and a few little (Actually quite big) treats for myself !:smile:.

    I love it. In fact I'm going to watch ' Elf ' again, right now !
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  4. Yep all sorted.

    I've ordered my new kitchen, new bathroom, new bed, new sofa, new dining table & chairs, new windows & new carpets and they'll all be delivered by Christmas!

    It's what Christmas is all about.
  5. Seen the KFChristmas advert ?- I hope I was hallucinating - wet spot on Santa's knee

  6. Lol, funny movie that

  7. Christmas is a big ball bag of commercialism bullshit. Fuck it all.
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  8. My old man died on xmas day, so it ain't much of a celebration these days, and there's no young kids in our family. They're what make xmas fun, it's not the same without excitable brats tearing around. So I've just got a couple of token gifts to buy, which I'm hoping to get in Poland next weekend, and there'll be no decorations to hang or tree to erect. I still enjoy it though, cos it's a good excuse to get together with family and have a good extended natter and a few beers. Even New Years Eve ain't what it used to be. That used to be my big night out, but I elected to drive last year...
  9. I've had most of my presents bought for some time now. Did it this way this time so I didnt have a huge CC bill in January as before. It seems to have worked out well so far :smile:

    As fig says Xmas is for kids nowadays as far as I'm concerned. And though I love getting presents I love seeing people's reaction to mine when I give them. I get immense pleasure from that. :upyeah:
  10. I used to rent a room at at my mate's mum's house years ago, and she had a big family. She did all her xmas shopping - prezzies, cards, wrapping paper, the lot - in the January sales. Two weeks after xmas the following year's gifts were wrapped and stored, cards written, everything! I used to do it all after a lunchtime session on xmas eve...
  11. Yesterday,went to see Santa with grandkids,got back home and well all put up the crimbo tree,priceless.
  12. There is something about Christmas that puts the vast majority of people in a better mood !

    I hate the commercial bullshit as much as anyone but Christmas day is the best, most fun day of the year IMO :upyeah:
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  13. Not for me, I'll be working. :frown:
  14. Woo hoo cannot wait. I love it nearly as much as my 9 year old. London show next Friday (Charlie and the chocolate factory) night in a nice hotel as a family, then Chrimbo shopping, home then xmas tree shopping then visiting Santa that's the run up to Chrimbo for us.
  15. Xmas shopping was started in Sept as I like to make sure Decembers wage is ours. Done pretty much all of it online as I refuse to get involved with the crowds.
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