Lol I'm not. Honestly. Ok. Maybe on a geek scale I am perhaps I am 100 or 200 MegaDibleys. But thats fairly average.
It's not a coincidence. Jobs was obsessed with German design, the Bauhaus and Braun in particular. In fact, he had a German designer (could well have been Dieter Rams) relocate his design company in California to work for Apple. Was this the guy who worked for Braun? Quite likely. I've recently finished the Jobs biography, but I didn't memorise all the pages. I have a suspicion that it was. It is no surprise that Jobs would have wanted Ive to recreate Braun designs. It's not as if Ive was left alone to design whatever he thought was good. Jobs was involved on an almost daily basis. The products that Apple produces are the products that Jobs wanted, with the look that Jobs wanted. Ive, like any successful person in a corporate set-up, did (and does) what his boss wanted. Still, who cares? Apple stuff does look excellent. Compared to its competition there is no comparison. You don't have to be an Apple fan to appreciate good design when you see it. How about this for copying might even get one for my Dax
The link doesn't seem to work Anyhow it is a Desmodromic head that looks identical to a Ducati Head made by a Japenese company Takegawa to fit monkey and Dax bikes with 100cc big bore kit
I think that they are stunning looking pieces of design that work, to me that's their upside and I can appreciate why anybody would buy them. Personally I never would as I have a particular loathing for the way Apple controls what you can do with the product long after and the way some of their (maybe all I don't know) products are unrepairable by you the buyer. That means I'm stuck (should that be a silent t) with Windies. The desktop I've built is to my eye is just a nice in a different way design wise and for every Apple product there is at least a close alternative that is just as desirable design wise, but you need to go and look they are not nearly as mass market. I was also reading somewhere that some gnu economist reckons they are going to go down the pan in a few years as they are no longer placing huge resources into R&D but behaving more like a conventional company since Job's demise. I reckon for Apple that could be very destructive indeed as they are all about cutting edge and design. Just my half arsed take on them John
That's just your opinion. I loathe the Appleist style of design, and I always have. Apple have never yet produced anything I would be seen dead with. And that's just my opinion. Then again, you work for them and I don't.
Well I like Apple, just cant afford it all. Pisses me off I do t actually own any of my own music tho
Well, I work for them part time, indirectly. I'm not employed by Apple in any shape or form. I work for an independent dealer and we all personally loathe the company Apple. But I still think their products are excellent, and that goes for the software that runs on them. I find if you look closely at just about any corporation, you won't like what you see. You buy aspirins, but probably don't want to really know what Glaxo Smithkine get up to with product trials in India. I don't like Apple, but I'm not sure that they are vastly more toxic than most large firms. It's just that in my case their commercial strategy has a direct effect on keeping me poor.
We have discussed their business model and their commercial strategies before, which I also loathe. But this exchange was about the visual styling of their hardware products which it seems you like and I don't. I am sure both opinions have millions of adherents. By the way, I apologise for the cheap shot about you working for them - sorry about that.
No offence taken! I have to say that to me, a computer really is a tool, as is an iPhone. I have no love for mine. They are purely temporary devices which will need replacing after a few years when they are no longer fit for purpose. I won't give a hoot when they are dismantled or crushed - just get another one. This isn't how I feel about my car, my Ducati or my guitars - things of beauty all. But a computer? It's just a screen and a keyboard - there's not need to get attached to it. But does anyone else's phone or computer look any better? No.