there are so many ridiculous conspiracy theories down the years it's impossible to know where to's a few that were denied, debunked and laughed off the face of the earth: Asbestos is poisonous. Some idiots even believed this right into the 1990's when it was actually banned in certain countries! Flouride is put into the water supply. Many people are allergic to flouride and it causes health problems, streaking on teeth and cavities. The CIA conspire against civil activists (Operation COINTELPRO). The CIA set up Al Queada (Meaning 'the list' in Arabic) as a means of policing the region and gathering intelligence. THE CIA were/are intrinsic in the flow of hard drugs from south america to the USA The CIA are involved in the poppy farms of afghanistan and the US government have reinstated the farms that were destroyed by the taliban during the on going, never ending Afghan invasion to this day. A US Military/CIA transport jet crashed on 24th september 2007, and was found to be loaded with 4 tonnes of cocaine. The Americans have secret detention camps (Black sites) such as Guantanmo, and secret FEMA camps across the US where people can be detained indefinately with no charges brought and no evidence. The Bay of Tonkin incident which was the reason the US went to war with Vietnam never actually happened and was a 'false flag' operation. Kristallnacht was a false flag operation by Hitler to galvanise the German people into war. The FBI poisoned alcohol during prohibition to deter people from drinking. The Royals conspired with Hitler. Dont even start on 9/11 lol!..
too many to list,elivs,moon landings,UFO's at groom lake,jet contrails,flu jabs etc etc on the Asbestos is poisonous, knew it was hazardous but never heard it being called poisonous :s
The very idea that there is any substance behind conspiracy theories is complete nonsense. They have been started by governments and other organisations and fed into the world of the proles to keep them distracted from the real issues.
Asbestos is usually lethal if the fibres are inhaled - my granddad died from asbestosis. It took six months to cremate him
which in itself is a conspiracy theory. Incidentally, all of the theories on the list i compiled were all later proven to be correct.
I think it's more to do with Gates having Plebs. If they didn't the Metropolitan Police V Andrew Mitchell affair would have been called Gategate. Which is silly.
For me its the moon landings. The way that poeple would try and debunk mankinds greatest achievement just makes me sad. Oh and I like the one about Jim Morrison making wine down in the South of France :biggrin: