Undeniable truths

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. pens will be assimilated along with the socks - just when you need one most
  2. Maybe you can tell me Char.....Why do pens always run out when you're on the phone to someone?
  3. For the exact same reason my desktop grinds to a halt when I have a customer on the phone , or my debit card declines when I'm at the front of the largest queue in Waitrose (and not wearing a scarf)
  4. Amazing! Who'd have thought they were linked! Maybe it's a rip in the space/time fabric?
  5. At least 15% of cars in Devon and Cornwall have defective lights...
    At least 50% of drivers in Devon and Cornwall have no idea what indicators are for...
  6. Replace Devon and Cornwall with 'London' and also add 'that at least 50% of drivers in London, cant actually drive' and then you'd be spot on
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  7. There are more craters on Kirklees roads than there are on the moon.
  8. There are two types of people :
    1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
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  9. There are 10 types of people in the world.

    Those who understand binary
    and those who don't
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  10. "A person who can debug a device driver or a distributed system is a person who can be trusted in a Hobbesian nightmare of breathtaking scope; a systems programmer has seen the terrors of the world and understood the intrinsic horror of existence... A systems programmer will know what to do when society breaks down, because the systems programmer already lives in a world without law."

    James Mickens - The Night Watch.
  11. Everything is "easier said than done" - except for talking, that's about the same.
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  12. Except for thinking , that's easier than talking
  13. Only if you're not doing it very well.
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  14. That at night anybody driving a Toyota Prius will have their front fog lights on therefore wasting the electricity that they're supposed to be storing in the battery for future use
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  15. And speaking of fog lights - nobody ever remembers to turn the damn things off !
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  16. So true.
    In fact, if you subtract all the people on the road with fog lights on when they shouldn't be, added to those people who don't put fog lights on when they should, from all road users, you'll find there aren't many people left.
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  17. Computers are bringing the world to a standstill.
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  18. They always seem to have a roof rack on, as well...
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  19. Some of that is through choice. On a lot of fords and all VAG cars (between them that is a massive proportion of cars on the road) you pull the light switch out to turn the fog lights on. When the lights are turned off a cam / ramp setup pulls the switch back in, turning the fog lights off. It is therefore impossible to 'accidentally' leave them on.
  20. On my Alfa, both front and rear fog lights are on completely separate switches, near the handbrake. So you can't turn them on accidentally. When you turn off the ignition, they are automatically switched off, so that you deliberately have to turn them back on if you want them. This reduces the chance of your leaving them on by mistake.

    Who said Italians don't do practical design?
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