radio stations

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnboy, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. ok guys and gals
    what internet radio stations does everyone listen to
    that's assuming you listen on the net
    one I use the most is big R radio an American one but not bad
    and you can choose what genre of music to listen to aswell

    so what you got going in background :biggrin:
  2. I do very little on the internet as my broadband speed is crap.
  3. Why would anyone want to listen to anything other than Radio 4 ?
    • Like Like x 3
  4. Don't exaggerate, surely you meant 3!
  5. No I can count :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Classic FM
  7. this is a great source...especially for finding local sports coverage, often bike race commentry too
  8. BBC Radio 6. Best radio station around for an eclectic mix which avoids the usual dross found on commercial stations. I recommend Sunday listening with Jarvis Cocker, Craig Charles' Funk and Soul Show and the Huey show amongst others. This station is worth my license fee alone.
  9. what he said when at work ^^ but I don't mind a bit of Chris Evans to get me out of bed
  10. Because I get a bit sick of the "Guardian" slant to it... but of course I do still listen to it, and R2, Classic FM, and especially
  11. Hmmmmm. John Humphries can go on a bit.
  12. in order radio Scotland, radio 4, absolute radio
  13. I go for either Planet Rock or Radio Paradise. Paradise can be a bit left field at times but there's no adverts and few indents. Bit like 6 music without the BBC trailers and djs!
  14. I shall lower the tone,Talksport.!
  15. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three.
  16. Radio 6 is pretty good, Radcliffe and Maconie on i-player goes well with bit of bike maintenance.

    Also the breakfast show on Montreal's CHOM 97.7 now and again....which is on around lunch time here, some good music and sometimes great Canadian humour.

    Mr Bimble.
  17. I listen to XFM mostly.
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