Are you bald?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. This could be the answer you're looking for

    Watch it right to the end!
  2. Maybe it should be called Ikobac ?
  3. got some already.....

    shoe cream.png

    shoe cream.png
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  4. Trouble is, my hair, what I've got of it, is white - and no, I don't have any of that stuff we used to whiten our school plimsoles thankyou :biggrin: Andy
  5. Also great for when the Brazilian you asked for goes a bit wrong :)
  6. Seriously though don't bother ....
    I like blokes with long hair BUT if they have not so be it.
    Shave it off it looks fine .
    It's when people try to hide it that it looks daft.
    I do feel sorry for blokes it must be hard .
    I have stupid hair BUT it's a big part of who I am ( the girl with the silly tufty pink hair).

    But as women go ... We are not bothered.
    I for one would rather I was treated nicely and loved then what hair do someone was sporting.

    Embrace it .. Don't wear stupid wigs and stuff !!!
  7. ok mam
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  8. What a load a shite. Accept what you've got
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  9. That's cos you and I have nothing for it to grab hold of :wink:
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  10. Exactly. Going bald? Wear a hat :upyeah:
  11. Im a baldy and proud!
  12. Full head of hair. :)
  13. Bootsam I won't say a word but your next order of hair product is ready for dispatch .
    We have a great BOGOF on the spray mount to adhere it with :)
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  14. I have more hair than all my mates combined. And yes, I do have mates. :smile:

    Plus it grows quickly and its as thick as my head. Guess its just the fantastic Scottish genes. No its not ginger either.
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  15. Fuck off...........all Jockanese are ginger. Just some chose to dye it to look normal :wink:
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  16. hahaha up yours baldy :tongue:

    Its not even grey yet either. A nice rich brown. Plus its straight. No curls. Bout the only fucking thing i got going for me though.
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  17. You lot make me laugh :-D
  18. No, no, I must restrain myself from posting in this thread.
  19. It's not like you Pete ;-)
  20. As I get older, I find my hair is growing faster and thicker than ever before :upyeah:

    Only trouble is it's on my back... :eek:
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