Antony on here who was...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Desmo Pete, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. 'taught to be cautious' ???

    I was, 7031, 1605 MMM & 1785 HRA

  2. ????? Too early to be pissed surely. Please translate.
  3. I meant anyone not antony!!

    If you are in the know, it will be 100% clear!

  4. Members of a certain gentlemans club are we!

    like an arrow from a bow, as it were
    #5 XxAnthxX, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  5. I'd be cautious with a girl with those measurements too !!
  6. Especially when sHE tell you their originally from Thailand! :eek:
  7. looks a bit like the facebook chit chat from
    masonic and orange lodge's over here lol
  8. Yup.....roll yer trouser leg up men or forever live in ore of the elite among us.
  9. Makes as much sense as footy thread, am I speaking a different language tonight?
  10. Yes Katie, but you are from Venus and we are from Mars
  11. And the cryptic messages in this thread are for members of a male only elite club.......where corruption rules supreme!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. What you mean I am on the FIFA / Olympic Selection Selection Committee / UEFA / FIA forum?
  13. Probably......definately very similar! :upyeah:
  14. This must be one of the chapters I skipped in The Da Vinci Code.
  15. Earl of St Germans Lodge 7031 Wadebridge, CornwallSt Gwethnoc Chapter HRA 1785 Wadebridge, Cornwall
    St Breock lodge of Mark Master Masons 1605 Wadebridge, Cornwall......close ??
  16. Isn't google great!
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Oh dear, not so secret now then!
  18. Where's the best place to put your trowel on a Ducati??
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Same place as the other tools I suppose! ;-)
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