My First reaction is to say see these to wastes of space off slowly and painfully, However the more i think about it the more i now believe that these two, and others like them, should be made to live out the rest of theri meaningless, pitiful lives in utter purgatory. Incarcerated, not allowed to further their education, not allowed to practice religion, not allowed to communicate with anyone, just enough food ( including banned foods) to survive. The only thing that sticks in my craw is that we have to pay to keep them jailed. On another note, it is my belief that criminals should not be given the chance to rehabilitate in prison. Prison should be a punishment where offenders are incarcerated and assessed, Only then on release should they be "rehabilitated" on a voluntary basis. Those that want to go straight will make the effort to re integrate, Those that dont will very soon be back in line for a prison term.
That doesn't make a lot of sense economically. I don't think that prisoners are rehabilitated out of a sense of charity. It's normally done to prevent future victims. It's cheaper all round to make sure that criminals don't reoffend. But sure, you could argue that if you don't intend to ever let them out, there's no point wasting any time or effort on them.
Well, i think if the police, having a good idea what had happened, had just shot and killed on sight the matter would already be forgot about and the family could grieve in peace. I feel we need to stop worrying about how who we might upset and just do what's best for the good of the country.
the motivation of the Police that attended was not to shoot said offenders because of what they had done, in fact if they had laid down any weapons and complied they wouldn't of been shot at all…However, because of the perceived threat made towards the officers there, police weapons were discharged in response to that threat…………….to neutralise the threat, i.e. shoot at the centre mass of the body cos its the biggest bit to hit, where also all the vital organs happen to be and you would of thought death would of followed…..however it didn't, and once the threat was neutralised i bet fast aid was administered to those shot to keep them alive…….good ol right to life!
The more I hear, the more I think these two cnuts should just be horribly killed. Fuck them and anyone that thinks they would be martyrs. They wouldn't be. Just two dead scum shitbags!
watchd a program about the death penalty, the person carrying out the deed rarely lookd best pleased with him self.
The law and the justice system must prevail, and we should not be tempted to descend into the chaos that some groups are trying to push us towards. Nor should we compromise or change our standards for any specific case, however abhorrent. I can think of many instances where I am ashamed of the behaviour of the police (and in case you feel righteous indignation, substitute the name of any other profession in that sentence). However, regarding the actions of the police in this case, I am proud of the way they conducted themselves under circumstances that most of us would have nightmares about for the rest of our lives. Quite probably, the officers involves will do. The family and friends of Fusilier Rigby (RIP) most certainly will.
Another hang em high here. No chance of a miscarriage of justice. Spend the hundreds of thousands of pounds saved on high security imprisonment on our pensioners heating bills. As that's not going to happen, we need to construct some kind of Gulag, probably around the Doncaster area.
The two of them have just gone past the house on their way back to Belmarsh. Lots of police vehicles and two prison trucks, What price does all that cost? What's wrong with the courts at Belmarsh? It would save some cash and reduce the risk of an escape.
Exactly, its the cost. My mates in the Armed section and escorted Cregan to and from court. He bought himself a new motorcycle with the overtime money. I told him I was borrowing it as I had part ownership as a tax payer. How much is a length of rope these days?
The way the council and it's staff have performed in the past, in Doncaster, they'd escape in no time.
So today seems to be start justification day, with one of the accused in the dock. having heard the reports, and the direct quotes, seems totally sane, in control of his actions and and articulate enough to describe what happened and why and accepts he killed and was expected to me a martyr being shot by fact they disagreed about who would have the firearm as that one would more likely be killed. Justification; its like he's been reading threads on here...its a warm he is a soldier, Rigby was a soldier, not murder but killed in action whats most shocking is how it seemed to be matter of fact, 6 kids of which one was 4 days old yet went into this knowing likely he wold be dead. How do you combat that...imagine if IRA had adopted the same fanaticism...
The savage is nothing but what I flush down the toilet. Hope he live the rest of his life in great pain!!
Whats the background then on the "soldier of allah" with the six kids? I assume he was not taking any money from the kufur state, housing, benefits, child allowance etc? That would be a sin against allah would it not?