Best or Worst christmas Song Ever

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Clarence Carter. Back Door Santa.

    Bash 'em in, Clarry:eek:
  2. rage against the machine. wont do what you tell me. best.
    #2 finm, Dec 2, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
  3. Smashing Pumpkins. christmastime
  4. Best - Fairytale of New York - The Pogues

    Worst - Anything by Cliff Richard or some cynically marketed X Factor shite.
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  5. Best......The Wombles.......A Wombling Merry Christmas. Or.. St Etienne..... I was born on Christmas day :smile:

    Worst....Wings.... Mull of Kintyre :redface:
    #5 clueless, Dec 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2013
  6. Best, Highway to hell, AC/DC this year ;).
    Worst feckin X factor if it gets too no 1 this year
  7. I don't know who thought Lilly Allen could sing. John Lewis Christmas ad. Played on the radio, constantly.
  8. All of them are shite!... Fackin hate this time of year...
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  9. All I want for Christmas by Mariah Cary and that bloody awful f-ing Pogues record make me want to hurt people. Best? I guess its Wizard and Slade...but only on Christmas morning and only once :tongue:
  10. All of them.
  11. Bah, humbug...
  12. Does my f'ing head in that 'song'..Every fucking year...!!! :mad:
  13. I'm so very glad I'm not alone on that one

  14. I HATE that song too. The only time I turn the radio off.
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  15. Rock and Roll christmas - Gary Glitter. But you can't say that these days :tongue:
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  16. I think I mentioned in the yewtree/saville thread, that if Noddy Holder, or even Roy Wood got accused, it would change the sound of Christmas forever....well not forever, but for a least a few years anyway
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