So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I've just got back from Istanbul, and am now sat in my office half dead. :rolleyes:
  2. Crikey, that was quick holiday.

    Wasn't the hotel built?
  3. Wish it had been a holiday. Actually I don't. It was bloody freezing and pissed down all day Monday.
  4. just been pulled randomly for a drug test. had to piss in a cup.
  5. Had to piss in a cup? Where you driving your car/motorcycle when you were pulled for a random test Mentalist, and was it old bill that pulled you?
  6. maybe he's an athlete :smile:
  7. No I was tannoy'd by the rig Dr. to go to the medical room.
    I was in the crane at the time.
  8. Blimey. Your aim must be remarkable. To get it in a cup from up there.
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  9. pictures or it didn't happen
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  10. or an incredibly long winky
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  11. What like Anne Robinson?
  12. nope, but i do believe she has a winky
  13. Used public transport, I dislike public transport, into London and back
  14. Had a lucky find.

    Was rooting around in the back of my van looking for a particular tool but couldn't find it. Eventually I completely emptied the back of the van out before I found it. As I was putting the stuff back my passport fell out of a plastic bag full of plumbing bits. Fookin' hell:eek: I normally know exactly where my passport is, and I'm going away very early on Saturday morning, so I wouldn't even have looked for it beforehand. That would have been a major panic attack...
  15. I sympathise. Public transport is the pits, even when it is running properly, and worse still when it isn't; anxiety-inducing, stressful, slow, stuffy, and expensive. Luckily I always commuted to work by bike my entire life, so have only had to use public transport intermittently.
  16. Close one!

    I know ID cards were bolloxed in the UK. Never understood why; they are very handy. I can travel all over Europe with my Swiss one, it lives in my wallet, so I don't bother with the passport much. Unless I forget my wallet (unlikely) I'm not going to miss a plane. Not having to tote a passport around - it's just one less thing to forget or get nicked. Very useful when on motorbike trips as the plastic is impervious to storms, whereas my passport has had to be dried out in the past before I had a card.
  17. The bus goes close by my house every 12 - 15 mins - they are clean and new and a single journey into town cost £1 - only downside it stops at 6.30 pm and doesn't run on a Sunday. I use it fairly often - quicker & cheaper than car which is how it should be
  18. Went to the York National Railway Museum in October. You could wander about an Intercity 125 coach from the 70s. Amazing all the space there was. Those were the days. The trains were quicker than they are now, you could get a seat (without booking), and when you had one, you could actually stretch out in it and look out of the window. Travelling by train now is a bit like travelling by coach but with no guarantee of a seat.

    Still, I quite like public transport. No parking hassles. I like it when it's hop on, hop off.
  19. What's public transport? We don't even get a bus through our village....... ever!
  20. i went on a bus once.
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