all in it together...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. So are you saying it did happen then? And now you have to give up on the crap story from crap newspaper direction, to who cares to its hardly news………….come on Pete sort your defence out………..
  2. You seem to have become a bit confused.

    Buildings get refurbished; furniture gets purchased; nobody has ever denied that these things happen. The crap story in the crap newspaper is crap because it is not real news, it is just an ordinary, routine, commonplace, trivial, silly-season piece of froth. So, like I said, who cares?
  3. go on the word you are looking for is YES……..and I care!!!…….It is Austere times so what if some where doesn't get decorated, thats the stance they take with the schools hospitals and police stations in my world…..why not the government populated buildings especially when the work is in the region of 10 million pounds! Simples. It is taking the piss when other public employees are scraping around in mouldy rotten portacabins that are out of planning permission!

    10 million pounds worth of froth but then i guess thats small potatoes to you...
  4. The person who fed the newspapers the story in the first place ?
  5. Similarly, in these times of austerity, how can the government possibly justify Police forces using high cost BMW's,Scobbies and equivalent. Just give them Citroen C1's,with their skill sets and training,they should keep up easily with these.Its our tax money...and bet that most of us would quite happily be chased by these knowing that money is being saved.

    HATO's use very expensive Range Rovers to basically carry a few cones and keep us all from getting to work on time.Why??

    Scandalous waste of money....:)
    • Like Like x 2
  6. very poor………..if you want to have a conversation about government vehicles and misuse of said vehicles as apposed to an essential bit of kit for a job unlike a posh bit of furniture then no worries………mind you i thought the stock answer was i didn't know they were there and someone else must of put them there……...
  7. "must have put them there"….

  8. was that what he said….
  9. Was chatting to plod fleet manager of Cheshire last week. Nice guy, and the service schedules are pretty high given they do loads of miles especially the mway coppers. But like others his biggest expense is fuel. Heres an idea, how about fuel for public services is at zero tax, that way it drives out 2 thirds of what is nearly 40% (or more) of the annual budget for buying, servicing and generally running all plod mobiles. :)
  10. Well done Stu! He's hooked!
  11. you bought that engine or parts yet……….POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. The money comes from the public purse and the tax goes back into the public purse. You might just as well increase their budget.
  13. Their budgets are being squeezed. And may drive down cost for us local taxpayers with our council tax too
  14. Yes, but if plod got their fuel ex tax then that money would be lost from elsewhere.
  15. It would get lost in the ether of central govt...or mean Lord Chancellors pad wont get a refurb for 3 years ;-)
  16. It wouldn't make a blind bit of difference, would it? It's just one hand giving and the other taking away - just numbers in a budget.
    You exempt plod from fuel tax for a budget rebate - they'd just reduce their budget. Or as johnv points out, someone else's budget would be reduced as a result.

    You can't invent money that easily (unless you're a bank).
  17. Serves them right for driving around in cars. Cut the budget and make em walk. Give the ones on the motorway a FULL hi-Vis suit and hi-vis flags as well. Thankfully Cheshire police are now restructuring, ie getting rid of the dead wood. It's a shame that the same dead wood will be offered civilian roles within the police civilian support staff though..............
  18. Sigh

    the point is why take tax off them then give it back in budgets, why not just not take it to start with and reduce the budgets to real running costs. Its like internal charging between depts, transfer pricing should be cost only, not cost plus
  19. my lot has 400 vehicles 2000 drivers covering 8 million miles a year…….or 22000 miles a day…….
  20. Because plod buys their fuel from local stations who are not equipped to sell it tax free.
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