What gets you're back up?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dasmo, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Ever been to a bike shop or show where there's a sign saying" please don't sit on the bike or touch the bike" or some one telling you so. Really gets my back up. Sorry mate is it made of donkey cheese or what? When I'm out on the desmo I often get people who are aw struck with the bike, often never seen one in the flesh. On one occasion a family with two young children, a boy and girl about 10yrs old, they are admiring the bike. I heard the wife say well its just a bike to which the husband said oh no dear its not just any bike etc. etc. How much she said ? I offered the children to sit on the bike for their father to photograph them, they were overwhelmed. Did it a again this year with some young bikers, go on lads cock yer leg over and take a picture , tell yer mates you've got a new bike. Lovely to see their faces. Doesn't cost a penny but the appreciation lovely to see. I'll be out next year McD's roundabout Mkt Harborough on B 6047 for photos. Ps. you do your own photography!
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  2. moved to dick sizing
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  3. A nice rub, just on the nape of my neck puurrrrrrrr
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  4. It is annoying yes, but look at it from the dealers point of view. All it takes is one idiot with dirty boots to scuff the back of the bike and then the brand new bike damaged. Im sure if, when you go back to the dealer, if you ask, they'll let you sit on whatever you like...well, within reason :tongue:
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  5. I'll tell you what annoys me. Kelly Brook not returning my calls. I suspect she may be a lesbian:frown:
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  6. :mad: Rolling onto my front, that really gets my back up !!! :wink:
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  7. People who write "you're" when they mean "your" :wink:
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  8. The slag
  9. Arriving on a motorbike at traffic lights on a steep hill facing upwards to be joined by a car behind leaving a 12" or less gap.
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  10. Pedestrians that press the cross now button, then cross before the lights change leaving the traffic waiting for no-one.

    Pedestrians that press the cross now button even when there's light traffic but can't work out when it's safe to cross.
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  11. The signs in the showrooms may be because dealers have learned the hard way, as you well might, when some dork flicks up the sidestand (for a photo, perhaps to make it look more authentic) and forgets to put it back down when they excitedly spring off the bike, only in a dealer's showroom you should fully expect the complete domino effect as every bike in the row gets damaged
  12. What really, really pisses me off is when I'm at the bike show looking round the bikes, I'm not allowed to get near some of them. I can understand this is as they don't want anyone dropping them, but what gets my goat is when I'm bulldozed out of the way by some burly bouncers so some giggling, brain dead scrotum of a celebrity can get through to sit on the bike and poke and prod it. They probably don't even have a licence. My money is just as good as there's! If I tried to cock my leg over a bike the burly bouncers would have me strung up by the nuts before my arse touched the seat!. Prince William poked and prodded just about everything on the Ducati stand. I had more right to be able to sit on the SuperLego bike than him because if he'd chosen to buy one it would have me as a tax payer that would be paying for it because at the end of the day technically he hasn't got a job and and lives on benefits!.
  13. If my memory serves me correct he did or still might own a 1098. As did his brother. One of the bikes was kept in a stable and mice ate some of the wiring harness. :upyeah:
  14. She said she's call back when she's finished with me :upyeah:
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  15. People with food on their clothes.

    Which happens to be me this morning :eek:
  16. People who don't take their rucksacks off on a crowded Tube train, so that they end up taking up the space of 2 people. Then they twist and turn around so that you get their rucksack in your face repeatedly. They are normally listening to some garbage on their iPod, oblivious to everyone else, just living in their own little selfish bubble. Take any rush hour Tube train and you will meet them.
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  17. Paying 12k for a one year old Ducati and watching it degrade faster than a bankers integrity :biggrin:. Still fun in 2nd hooooning out of roundabouts though. On M11 astride me Mutley 1200 few days ago and something hit my left foot. Most of the micro fich engine parts pages went parading through my mind wondering what it could be!
    Still no idea 4 days later.
  18. A great many things, some of which are middle lane hoggers, cagers who drive straight across roundabouts, people who are too busy texting while walking along the street and almost walk into you because they don't look where they are going, selfish lazy feckers who park right outside shop doors when there are plenty of spaces in the designated area or double parking, there are many more but that will do for now.

    Oh and people who use brought instead of bought, sort instead of sought and break instead of brake!
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  19. That's what happens when you live in poverty, even the mice are so hungry they have to snack on bike wires.
  20. Check your bar ends. Thought I must have hit a rabbit/bird/very small onion seller with my boot when riding through France a few years ago. 'Twas my bar end. Quite a thwack at 80 mph
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