I don't have curtains in the bedroom just a blind and I sleep like a log summer or winter, as I said before its just about having as little stress as possible and being happy :smile:
I'm with Carlos. Have curtains - almost never use them (unless the full moon is shining directly on my noggin). Have the window open most of the year. In summer, all of them open. Sleep like a log generally. When it's colder and wet, sleep even more soundly. I sometimes think that sleep is the thing I do best in life, which is quite sad, in a way. I'm generally quite cheefrul (it's my nature) and not given over much to worry (which I can't see solves much anyway). But we are as we are.
If I'm happy and content I sleep . If at a friends often I sleep. But now at home Blackout curtains , white noise and earplugs . Stupid woman next door wakes me up . The screaming brat who yells screams runs about at stupid o clock usually 4am. Kicks the wall. But it's fine as unlike me her Mum can sit on the sofa all day as she works once a week if at all. Gets her elderly Mother to do her garden and cleaning and shopping. Oh she sets her fire alarms off all the time! Grrr!
I work nights full time. 10pm-6am mon-thurs, fri 6pm-1.30am Get home at 6.20am-ish, have a shower then bed at 7am. Set the alarm for 12.30pm get up and do stuff all afternoon and evening, then off to work. It's the weekends that ruin my sleep pattern.
That's still only a miserable 5 and a half hours a night. That can't be good. You'd have to sleep most of weekend to catch that up.
Mechanical Maintenance Engineer in a production plant (napkins/table cloths) I used to do 4x12hour nights with 4 off in my last job. Been doing perm nights since '97 :frown:
also do 12 hr shifts here. 2 weeks days 2 weeks nights process the internal fan discs of jet engines some are beautiful lumps of titanium worth about £350 thousand each in fully machined state.
Me too, but not insomnia this time. I've been dealing with an idiot consultant who thinks it's perfectly acceptable to ring at any time of the day or night. So I got up extra early to ring him. On the third call now, he's starting to sound agitated:biggrin:
My mate used to do it all the time when I had a nightshift job. Every sodding day he'd ring me up about 9am, then apologise once I'd barked at him. Ringing him at 2am every night got the message through.
I often find that when working nights I don't need as much sleep compared to working regular day shifts, although Only do 10 hrs inc travel The one that I struggle with is a normal week of days 7am - 4pm mom to fri, then a 10 hr sat night say 2300 - 1100, can never sleep before so end up knackered on Sunday night, then have to get up min am for another normal week
good thing about nights is i dont wake up to an alarm clock its whenever my body decides. just hate the 5am starts on day shifts