Miserable bastards. Get some festive cheer. If you're really struggling, head down to a shelter place and help out, will show you what the spirit of christmas is. Regardless of whether religion is part of your life or not
I thought christmas was over, I was working in the garage and my missus bought me a cup of coffee and two hot cross buns...
I hate it. I used to love it as a kid, but it's become complete bollox over the last 20 years or so. Too much commercialism and'spend, spend, spend' attitude. Why some companies try to sell some of their goods for Christmas drives me nuts!... What the fuck does a sofa have to do with Christmas?? fackin waste of time for a couple of days a year...
I'd got to the stage where I could take it or leave it. Then the grandchildren came along. And now I love it all over again!
Its not only in Christmas many to all companies try to sell their goods on all festive season. And Christmas is suppose to be biggest of them all. And i am always excited whenever we draw close to Christmas.
The yearly 'Christmas bashing' has began I love Christmas, presents, food and family Now where's my Christmas avatar
people are going to start telling me its Christmas and they cant pay till the new year. i am too soft.
i agree, but I fear the attitudes haven't changed as much as we'd like to think. I suspect it's also down to us getting older...
I'm looking forward to Christmas first time in a long time I'm spending it with my 91 year old nan and we are going to a posh hotel for Xmas dinner We have been reminiscing about Xmas when I was a little girl and bought back some nice memories so we are going to share those again this year As for commercial Christmas I have had enough already and there is still 2 weeks of madness to go!!! Can't wait NOT..
Christmas ? It's a crap time of year. Rubbish weather. Being made to feel obliged to visit people that I spend the rest of the year trying to avoid. Buying stuff for people who don't appreciate it. Having to look grateful for useless junk that other people give me... BAH HUMBUG ! Bring on new year !
And why are half the adverts on TV for violent video games ? WTF has that got to do with the Christmas spirit ?