Another reflection on society.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Comparing post#1 with post #20, I can't help wondering whether your friend was lying before, or if he is lying now. You seem to have accepted every detail of his account uncritically, or rather gullibly, repeated them here as allegedly true, and then asked rhetorically, "Do we not care for other human beings at all?!" What is that if not an attempt to stir up artificial indignation based on unsupported allegations? What's your day job, journalist on the Daily Mail?

  2. Keep digging. There is only one person in this thread who -it would appear, prima facie- aspires to be a daily mail journalist/wannabe MP in debating style.
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  3. i luvs it when dudes bite.
  4. You know what? It isn't worth it but i'm sure to god Pete you would be the first to bleat to whoever would be prepared to listen, if god forbid you got taken off your bike and no one came forward to either look after you or put themselves up as a witness. They would probably think you were lying.
    #24 Phartycr0c, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
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  5. Like this?


  6. Admit it, your post #1 was patronising, insulting, and ill thought out. You are perfectly entitled to post whatever you choose - and I am equally entitled to tell you what I think of your post, am I not? So I will - it was rubbish on stilts.
  7. @ post 25, pretty much. but to be fair i know what yer mans saying, when i lived in the city i found my self increasingly angry with the ignorance or blindness of the average joe, so for that and many other reasons i moved to the country.
    #27 finm, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  8. Not completely in tune with what happened to your friend however I have spent a wonderful Friday night Saturday with wife and sprog in London but by Christ I got annoyed with the amount of times I held the door open for people and not even an acknowledgement just down right bloody rude. So does not surprise me your friend didn't get any help. London centre of the universe my arse
  9. basically for people who like 2 wheeled motorcycles there are some complete anti-cyclist wankers on here

    infact wankers full stop

    not that i want it to happen, or do I, but perhaps they will get knocked off their motorbikes by a car and understand motorists impatience or just be called a liar
    #29 Phill, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
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  10. Are you on the same stuff as Nigella?

  11. You are not very good at seeing stuff in context are you Carlos ?

    Re read posts #14 and #16, have a think about it and if you don't understand it come back and ask for some more clues.

    Pete got it.
    #31 johnv, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  12. Clearly not John
    #32 Carlos Fandango, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  13. but petes got an MBE for being a clever dick or just a dick who was clever...ohhhh I dunno...I just got told there was a dick involved but i dont know whos.

    it might not have been petes
    but all I know is that there was a pete a dick and an mbe involved and it doesnt sound too clever.

    pete who ?
    probably the wrong pete
    #33 Phill, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  14. Did you find yourself eating a lot of Peaches?
  15. We should bear this in mind the next time someone says they were victim of a SMIDSY, or had an accident of any kind.
    On no account should sympathy be offered. The guy is probably lying for some strange reason of his own - probably just an attention seeker.

    In fact, it seems a good idea to offer no one sympathy for anything you weren't an eye witness too. The truth is just too murky, you wouldn't want to get caught in a trap.

    Similarly, it would seem to be a good idea to give any bleeding cyclists you might meet a wide berth. They continually fall off and injure themselves and then lie around in the road in the hope of blaming it on other people.
    #35 gliddofglood, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
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  16. No. People don't.

    But you don't need to fall off a bicycle to find this out.
    Just live in a big city.
  17. nah i am more of a forfar braddy kind off guy.
  18. I believe him. I see this shit all the time.

    I got knocked off few months ago. Nice lady and her husband going the other way stopped, saw the whole thing and provided witness statement. Plus the guy helped me pick the bike up. There is still plenty of humanity about.

    I think most people would do so. I would. Ive also berated a few drivers for the way they treated a cyclist. Sure they can get on your nerves sometimes but they're vulnerable and as I am too I can relate to it.

    People in cars can be arseholes. Especially mums with their kids. they are the worst in my personal experience. Selfish. 60seconds isn't going to ruin your life. Patience for fucks sake.
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  19. Pete do you read what you write before you press send? Clearly this is a tongue in cheek argument, as no one educated to any level could believe it acceptable for a cyclist, or anyone, to be knocked from their bike or whatever and the other party to drove away, irrespective of blame. Obviously living in London and dealing with judges and politicians has tarnished your view of the world. It gives everyone else a laugh anyway.

    ayou seem accepting that the govt wouldn't have used the NIC to spy on its citizens yet some poor bloke who get wiped out by an a-typical London driver gets the Stalig treatment. Have a word...
  20. The point about London and doors this is bang on. Im an outsider who has spent a few years regularly going in and notice most things; charity sellers, beggers, use the word excuse me, that type of stuff. The people I meet mainly live london. Notice nothing, not being rude, just don't notice it any more. Its like the old lady who struggles every day up the high st and has for 20 yrs. no one notices her either..
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