Anything by Iain Banks (check the spelling finm, I thought you were a jock :wink is worth a read. Complicity is very disturbing
his books always leave me feeling a bit odd. i met him briefly on a deserted campsite out side tarbert lochfyne i didnt recognise him until later, probably for the best as i would of made a right tit off myself. i suspect he was writing crow rd at the time.
Try Birdsong and Charlotte Gray both by Sebastian Faulks who is a superb author. Anything by Christopher Brookmyre is very entertaining. Not great literature but very enjoyable fun reading. Start with Pandeamonium (correct spelling !).
Currently reading "hear no evil" which is an independent forensic analysis of the JFK thing. Thought it was about time i tried to understand the science that keeps this story rolling. The audio chapter is amazing. Also just started "quiet" which is about introverts in our extrovert world.
One of my favourite books. I've read it a few times. It has one of the best first sentences of any book. If you like that, try The Rum Diaries if you haven't read them. Also very funny.
Read this, but can't say I enjoyed it greatly. Quite an achievement as a first novel, surely. But it just didn't strike many chords with me. Somewhat longwinded, and I wasn't that bothered about the characters, or about life in Willesden, really.
Just finished Hitler And the Nazi Cult of Celebrity - Micheal Munn. Very interesting and gives a valuable insight into Hitler and Goebbels which I was pretty much unaware of. So now reading a few things: [h=1]Civilization: The Six Killer Apps of Western Power- Niall Ferguson. This has produced a few good insights so far. It's about how Western power has acquired dominance. About half way through.[/h] The Truth About Lying - Stan Walters. This is a book all about how to spot if people are lying to you. It should be very interesting, but so far, it isn't. It's taking a long time to get to the point and it's definitely twice as long as it needs to be. Stan Walters isn't the sort of bloke you'd want to do down the pub with. He's not very entertaining. He talks a lot of sense and he knows his stuff, but as a writer, pah. Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman. Only just started this, but it's already been really insightful. It's one of those books that you need to read with a marker pen so that you can highlight the most important lessons and insights. One thing it has mentioned is how living in the city in proximity to wealth makes people callous and egotistical. Explains a lot. I may have to kick off some fiction too. Just reading non-fiction can be a bit much sometimes.
Morrissey Autobiog. Very dark and gloomy. I've only got about 30 pages in so far and have to read every paragraph twice as its a bit cryptic like his lyrics. I now know why he is so miserable now.
Thanks I'll try that, I keep re-reading F & L too. good gonzo stuff here.... Totally Gonzo - The Hunter S. Thompson and Gonzo Journalism Community | Hunter S. Thompson and Gonzo Journalism – News, Forum, Archive, Audio, Video & More
Just finished 'In search of captain zero' by A.C. Weisbecker An incredible story, mixing the surfers life and big time marijuana smuggling. Alan Weisbecker 'outgonzo's' Hunter S. Thompson! If you like Fear and Loathing, you will enjoy this. Great insight into surfing, and some truly wonderful smuggling stories.
His book Hells Angels is also a good read. The Great Shark Hunt is good in parts. It's collected Gonzo journalism. Hunter S Thompson was a complete nutter with a very unhealthy interest in drugs, explosives and firearms. Unhealthy, because he liked to combine these interests. Rarely has there been anyone so intelligent who really didn't give a shit about anything - he was totally fearless. This made him a fascinating writer, but a dangerous bloke to be around - although you'd be unlikely to get bored.
Doctor Sleep. Stephen King. Sequel to the Shining. Shataram. Gregory Roberts. As recommended by someone on here. Mud, Blood & Poppycock. Gordon Corrigan. Interesting perspectives on WWII