Well when I fell off the bike in February, afterwards bike fell over in THAT ORDER, taxi driver was pissing him self loughing. A nice man on sidewalk helped me to pick the bike up, asked if I was ok to which I said yes just pride ruined. Thanked him and sent him on his way. Time before that I had a witness and help as well. Time before that I was under my 125 learner stuck and everyone road around me for a while until a man from South Africa, you know funny talking bunch, stopped to help. We had a good chat I sent him on his way. Re doors agreed you open them and get not even thank you most of the time. However if you slum them shut in front of them they look at you like you are the bastard. Re homeless/beggers there is so many you would not get where you going if you paid attention to all of them. At the same time most travellers/romanian beggers are scammers so F-off there. After I gave money to memless he went to top up his mobile so no more money to homeless. I think London is 50/50 on kindness. Funny that each time people are kind they are not from one specific region .... I beleive no one stopped for cyclist mate of yours what with current attitude towards them. I also wish I had my camera on this morning where a cyclist bobby went on red light not even stopping to look .....
What on earth are you on about, Bradders? I have never said, or remotely implied, that it is acceptable for a cyclist, or anyone, to be knocked from their bike or whatever and the other party to drive away. I can't imagine how you could suppose I have said any such thing - have you actually read my posts? The topic under discussion is someone who tells a story (vague, inconsistent and short on facts) about what he alleges has happened, and the listener then posts a story repeating the second-hand allegations (having no idea whether they were true or not) in an attempt to manipulate other people (who have even less idea whether the story was true or not) into feeling synthetic indignation about the hearsay. That is the sort of process I disapprove of. It has nothing to do with whatever the original allegations were about, obviously.
I think that this post is not whether this incident is hear say or not,its about some peoples total lack of moral fibre to actually do the right thing and help others when they find themselves in situations where empathy and general compassion would potentially make a big difference to the outcome. I for one would increasingly agree with this sentiment. A lot of folk are only interested with the me,me me,and not the we,we,we these days.
The topic under discussion was how poor society is that it passed by as an individual lay injured in the road. You chose Pete to make it one of credibility of the teller, and his friend/co worker. Now this presupposes one of two things. Either you suspect, for no reason to yet be identified, that the OP chose to tell his story for some perverse 'look at me' reason or its possible that being knocked off, and left injured, is acceptable. In fact, I go as far as saying you have called the guy, and/or him mate, a liar on nothing other than your clear prejudice against cyclists. Why else would you construct such an offensive challenge to someones story? Must be ulterior motive or a deep seated prejudice built over experience and time...if you like i can give you of a number of someone who cam help eradicate that pain for you
Why on earth do you disapprove of this sort of process and which part has really earned your disapproval? Is it the part that a friend of the OP has apparently been hit by a car and nobody stopped to help or are you more disapproving of the actual post which you find to be vague, inconsistent and short on facts and is an attempt to manipulate others ,according to you? If it is the former I`m glad that you are not as cynical and distrustful as your post makes you out to be. If it is the latter then I`m sorry that you do seem to be so very cynical and distrustful . Or are you just trying to manipulate others into synthetic indignation with your post ?
Scrabble annoys me. I hate it how you can find an O in the right place and make "ox" and get a million points for it. Making long interesting words rarely wins you the game.
Sorry, but you seem to be drifting away into a fantasy world wholly unconnected to the matter at hand, or anything I have actually said. "Prejudice against cyclists" - again, what on earth are you talking about? I have not expressed even the remotest trace of a "prejudice against cyclists" anywhere in this thread. In fact I have said nothing whatever about cyclists.
I cannot make head or tail of this post, which seems to be unconnected to the matter at hand. You could explain clearly what you are trying to say. Or not, your choice.
I just thought we were playing the game of assumed ignorance or obvious devilment to any opposite view? Bit its an interesting poser; whenever someone take an opposing view base don little or no evidence its normally due to pre conditioning from an earlier even...share your pain pete, we're here for you
I'm a fan of yours Pete but you have become a bit of a show off lately and you are now getting on my nerves a bit !