Combat zone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. I reckon we need a new Lounge sub-forum, for when it gets tough and the trenches are deep and the heat turns its hardly lounge etiquette, you know pipe n slippers n good old jolly chaps roasting nuts on the open fire...
  2. a kind of you and me out side section?
  3. Bear Pit....
    #4 Char, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  5. The LC forum had a section called "The Backyard". You had to log in to view it and it really was snything goes. The section had a strongly worded warning about what the content consisted of, and it was very accurate!
  6. Nick what was the name of the bloke from barrow? Love to see the debate betwixt Pete and him
  7. Betwixt! ... One of the best words in the universe!!

    BTW... Happy Birthday Bradders!
    #7 RadiheadR6, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  8. It's all good clean fun not to be taken too seriously :eek:
  9. You mean the infamous Ardon!
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  10. That's the one, the king of trolls.
  11. Remember Colicadam ?
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  12. Dave I don't but ardon was the reason I rarely looked at the backyard everything descended into farce. Ardon like thrush was an irritating Cnut
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  13. I'll see your "betwixt" and raise you a "frippery" :smile:
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  14. Pantaloons.
  15. He was great, a proper billy bullshitter!
  16. 'Jargogle'!!!
  17. pmsl
  18. You mean it would be a good idea to encourage rudeness and violence by having an area for keyboard warriors to just insult each other?

    I'm not sure. Why can't we just be nice to each other?
    They might be annoying in the House of Commons and continually jibing at each other, but unless it's a well kept secret, the House doesn't have a chamber where the MPs put on boxing gloves and try to knock each other's teeth out.

    I thought we could just have spirited debates (even if anyone who doesn't agree with me is a complete tosser).
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  19. Corrected for you Glidd.
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  20. We have the 'ignore' facility for the trolls.

    I dont mind trolling by others as long as it is in good spirits and amusing. As soon as it becomes offensive and angry then...

    However a bit of leg pulling and devils advocate is fine.
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