We Buy Any Bike - Motorbike Valuations - Value My Motorbike - Bike Valuation Anybody ever used them or sold their bike to them? Enlighten me :smile:
I have used them in the sense that I checked valuations of cars on their car site a couple of times just prior to putting things on the market. Mainly to give me a minimum value before listing on Ebay . A friend went as far as to take his car to one of their sites to confirm their figure before he then went on to part ex against something else. They offer a low price but no need to complain, if you don't like it don't sell it to them.
Oddly, just for interest, I asked them for a quote last week on my mint, 2011 848 Evo. The price they came back with was laughable - I only wanted a quote for comparison to the price I was quoted by the Ducati dealer about PX'ing to an 899. WBAB gave 2 quotes. One if I PX'd with them, and another if I just sold it to them.... They won't stop calling and e-mailing me now!!... :frown:
That's all I want to do (compare against p/x with a dealer).........and that's why I didn't fill in their form and certainly wouldn't give them my mobile number
TBH El T I wouldn't bother - They offered less than £5k for my bike!!... Makes me wonder how firms like this survive...
Ive heard this quite a few times now, robbing scum that they are but I suppose if you desperately need the money then im sure afew have had to
I used the car one to sell a BMW 335 M Sport Coupe - They paid me £3k more than any dealer offered for trade in (£22k then). Took £50 off on day for a chipped alloy. That was 2 yrs ago. When asking around at that time dealers said it's a hit or miss with them. Worked out for me
I sold a mk4 golf to webuyanycar 2 years ago, i listed all of the problems honestly on the site and was offered a decent price (about on par with the part ex value) When i got there the rep looked over the car, decided it was better than i thought and offered me an extra £150 on top of the original offer! I know a few people who have had similar experiences too. Their bread and butter is bulk trade stuff, they literally valet the vehicles and bung them into a trade auction. Specialist vehicles are harder to shift, they don't want to pay to store them so they give you a silly low offer.
I used them for my Audi TT that I had run into the ground.. 170k on the clock, no MOT, 52 plate, no service history and the paintwork needed a fai bit of work! I had been messed about on fleabay for so long I gave them a try, their online valuation was £2350 and I expected to get knocked down when I took it to them, the guy offered me £2275 and I bit the his arm off.. money transferred to my account same day!! Chuffed! All depends on what you want, but worth a go if you just want to get rid of something!
I sold my Aprilia to them after being let down by an ebay buyer. Got less than I wanted but had to have the cash to buy my Ducati. Money was lower by about £500 but had cash the same day. Worked for me Regards Steve
I got ride of a non running Toyota Townace to them which had given me no ends of troubles, I got £300 for it and was happy to see it go as I don't think anyone would want it as the age of Grey imports had been and gone and there weren't many left on the road by then.
A bloke I know sold his R1 to them, but wouldn't tell me how much he got (he was going bankrupt to had to get rid), so I rung them for a valuation on the fuglystrada and Griso. The offers were pathetic, £1500 for the Griso and under a grand for the Ducati (with more realistic values being £3500 and £2000 sold privately). As someone said, they can shift popular models much easier so will offer more I'd imagine. Don't bother trying if you've got a Ducati, you'll only be disappointed.
Are the car and bike dealers the same outfit? Looks like the WBAB.com is Aviva moto in Bradford? There is a WBAB.co.uk in Oldham too.
I just went through the rigmarole of doing my 999s they offered £12,650 - they can bog off !! seriously they offered 2650 what a rip